Eeeh, I don't really know how accurate Akihito was in Sudoh's shooting, obviously he got him, but I'm pretty sure this is not the last we've seen of him. Sakazaki probably saved him from the rubble. I just really wanna see Akihito shoot him again. XD

Sakazaki is an interesting character . He without any men, using his wits (and others) being in the right place at the the right time almost took down Asami, He said I wanted his place. That is why he took part in the deal. I agree wit you.

Hello northwest hahahahahha, thanks that actually worked. Your a genius in disguise.

Thanks and your welcome. It was bugging me that you couldn't reply to your own post.
So which option do you think is most likely for Aki's head injury. Memory loss, paralysis, wakes up normal, or my personal favorite, blindness.
Which of those characters who were shot do we think are truely dead? I think Aaron and Yuri are done, Sudou is questionable.
Keep making post and I'll do the same again. (●'◡'●)ノ

When Takaba awakens and he is left with some lingering short term problem, blindness would have more of an impact bec. of his profession. The "sleeping" Takaba does not know that Asami is alive so perhaps he must bring Takaba back to the waking world. Yuri is gone. Sudou no body found. Aaron if it was not a head shot she could always claim he was wearing a vest. (remember Yuri and his strange survival story).

I really hope there is no surpritse survival of Yuri. Mikhail seemed very confident that he was dead this time so I'm assuming he watched carefully as his bullet hit his mark. The one thing that gives me hope the others are also done is that Feilong had his men sweep the building to find A&A so anyone else should have been found as well.
And I would love to see the story include Asami helping a tarumatized Akihito to deal with temporary blindness.
btw, there is a cute short fanfic from Asami's pov about waking in the hospital you may like. (if you haven't see it already)

Thanks .I love that writers work, I will read it later. I can see the attraction of an attentive Asami caring for Takaba .
CKB. December 4, 2020 12:45 am
On Feilong's boat during his rescue Takaba picks up a gun and defends Krisihima. With a very determined look on his face he monologues to himself that he is not going yo take any more and shoots the gun. Afterward he tells Asami how shaken that left him. Takaba does use a gun (on the roof) to help defend Asami after the fight at the penthouse . When he gets to the temple, he tells the monk(Michiro brother to Souh) he is not sure if he has it in him to really use a gun. The monk goes on to explain the diff. between protecting what is important and just killing(something like that). Takaba begins to train. The next time Takaba holds a gun is in the helicopter to keep those men from taking them . The last we we Takaba using a gun was to defend Asami. Sorry can't post to the thread, it will be interesting to see how she deals with this.
Northwest December 4, 2020 1:46 pm
I had been thinking of all those things too. With all the training that Aki got from Michihiro and that Asami had just been shot right in front of him I really hope that he at least hit a vital spot on Sudoh.