Second prince

NyxieLover December 4, 2020 9:23 am

Ok listen to me.... I think the prince is the second lead and Ernon is the main lead... but here’s the thing... I honestly wanted her to end with the second prince they are a lot better together in my opinion. I don’t really like Ernon .... I find him annoying ...

but I was told that she end up with Ernon and I’m sad now :(

    peace_yow December 4, 2020 10:53 pm

    Don't be sad *pats* (´▽`)

    Minguy December 5, 2020 12:39 am

    Sorry I didn’t mean to like. I don’t ship her with the crown prince

    Big_pumpkin December 5, 2020 12:48 am

    I don't like the prince, he is like a cool boss not a lover. I was really happy when I read that she's gonna be with Ernot. Like they are so cute, have similar childhood and they just fit together. I don't think the prince would understand her and he wouldn't suite her.

    NyxieLover December 5, 2020 8:44 am
    Don't be sad *pats* (´▽`) peace_yow


    NyxieLover December 5, 2020 8:44 am
    Sorry I didn’t mean to like. I don’t ship her with the crown prince Minguy

    You can still like and not agree with my comment :) it’s respect. :*

    NyxieLover December 5, 2020 8:45 am
    I don't like the prince, he is like a cool boss not a lover. I was really happy when I read that she's gonna be with Ernot. Like they are so cute, have similar childhood and they just fit together. I don't thin... Big_pumpkin

    True..... I see what your saying but to be honest I don’t know . I feel like the prince values her and respects her more than Ernot ever will. But I respect your view .

    Fujoshi-sama December 5, 2020 11:20 am
    True..... I see what your saying but to be honest I don’t know . I feel like the prince values her and respects her more than Ernot ever will. But I respect your view . NyxieLover

    Ernon obviously values her more since even he got betrayed, he still choose to make her safe and still loves her. Also I noticed that Kasia is happy with him. I like the second prince too but Kasia's happiness is the most important. She only looked up to the prince as a boss and nothing more. I respect her. I'm glad that she will not end with the prince since she's going to live a dramatic life once she becomes a queen. She doesn't need to experience more drama and pain. She's suited with Ernon. But that's my opinion :) I actually prefer Mikhail over the prince if ever Ernon is not the endgame.