This just occurred to me...
Option 1 people change (whether they want to or not) Yashiro got fenced into yakuza life...
Option 2 people can change (they have control over what type of person they can be...Doumeki stayed with yakuza life to be closer to Yashiro
Option 3 people never change (they have no control over who they are and no choice...for example, it did not occur to Tsunakawa to NOT be a yakuza bc he inherited his father's role.)
Ok if Yashiro really believes people change then there is hope for both him and Doumeki...Doumeki is trying to get stronger so he can be Yashiro's rock. We just need Yashiro to take a step forward! Come on baby you can do it!
There was so much to be read in between the lines in this chapter, huh? Yoneda Kou is such a masterful writer I can't help losing myself in the fabric of her story.
I like the symmetry between how Yashiro talked to the boss (Tsunakawa) and that boss' kid when he referred to Doumeki as a numbskull and then said it's a really smart and perceptive person when she asked what that meant. I think it's funny how the kid automatically knew he was lying. Then fast forward to when he and the other kumichou meet. Then given all the half truths he gave the guy, it makes me wonder if the kumichou could also tell Yashiro wasn't being 100% truthful? I'll come back to that in a second... Either way, the guy could determine just from this that Yashiro was close enough to Misumi that he knew a lot of personal details and also that Misumi was more than just partial to Yashiro or Amou, for that matter. He could also confirm that Doumeki is a good guy--not just because he saved his daughter or even Yashiro but because he did a roundabout service for Misumi to the extent that Amou stepped in to find him a place... and it's just a matter of time before he asks Doumeki to exchange sake cups... Though I gotta wonder, did Tsunakawa know the rumor that Yashiro fires any of his people who fall in love with him and put two and two together about Doumeki and Yashiro's relationship? I don't know but if he can read people as well as Misumi, I wouldn't put it past him.
Meanwhile, did you see Doumeki's face when Yashiro talked about their past? He was visibly shook when Yashiro said that his saving his life caused him grief. It made me think of that scene so many chapters ago (just before Hirata died) when Yashiro pulled off Domeki's bandage and said this was what it felt like for Yashiro to fall in love--like a painful, burning, bleeding wound. And now he says that he felt grief because Doumeki saved his life and Doumeki's face burst into an expression of realization. Not to mention the lie that Yashiro lost his memories was completely obliterated.
Okay, back to Tsuna-kawa. He pointedly asked Yashiro which of these statements did he agree with: "People change" or "people can change" Since it was a boolean choice, I feel like that was some kind of cypher he was using to make a determination on Yashiro's honesty, especially after Yashiro referred to Doumeki as 'a brat, no a baby who somehow seems to have transformed into a praiseworthy yakuza in both body and soul'. Does he really think Doumeki changed so much? Sure, earlier Yashiro said people change, the ones who don't are dead--but he really meant people adapt. You can adapt to a situation with out the core of your personality--who you really are--changing. No, Yashiro knows Doumeki hasn't changed...he's still saving damsels in distress after all--isn't that part of why Yashiro fell in love with him in the first place? Then, after only giving Yashiro those two choices, it's funny that Tsunakawa said he thinks people never really change and he thought Yashiro would say that on his own. These damn numbskulls.
Anyway, I look forward to seeing what observations Tsunakawa makes of Doumeki and Yashiro while the latter is staying at his home. I wouldn't be surprised if he was able to tap Nanahara for more intel on the sly.