the only thing that pisses me off about this story is the moment her step father came back...

otakuness December 4, 2020 12:16 am

the only thing that pisses me off about this story is the moment her step father came back and he found out she was raped by him and she was reluctant to leave her house. he breaks up with her and sleeps with another women the next day.

    lunav December 16, 2020 11:45 am

    hi, i was wondering if you could explain since im a bit confused and im still deciding whether to read this or not. Who rapes the lead girl? the step father or boyfriend?

    otakuness December 16, 2020 5:55 pm
    hi, i was wondering if you could explain since im a bit confused and im still deciding whether to read this or not. Who rapes the lead girl? the step father or boyfriend? lunav

    the step father. it happened before the two leads met so in her past. Shes a timid and shy person in general so meeting the ML changed her and him. He was basically a player/manwhore before dating her. They both begin to date at some point. its really cute and all. but then it starts getting darker near the end about her past and his past.

    ml wanted to sleep with her but she was afraid and he was like "who raped you" and it was her step-father. he moved out of the house but happened to move back in cause the mother apparently didnt divorce him and kept it a secret. so ya she lives with her mom and step-father and ML tells her to leave the house and live with him. he gets mad that she doesnt and breaks up with her for like two days and during that time, he sleeps with another women. that was the only part that made me mad because they made up like two days after the "breakup". ofc she was reluctant to have sex and leave, thats no excuse for him to sleep with another woman.

    HaleyKawaii February 7, 2021 7:37 am
    the step father. it happened before the two leads met so in her past. Shes a timid and shy person in general so meeting the ML changed her and him. He was basically a player/manwhore before dating her. They bot... otakuness

    I was upset about this too but I realized that he didn’t sleep with another woman. He basically says that he couldn’t get a boner so they weren’t able to anything! haha I guess that makes it okay since he couldn’t get it up since he really loves Kira? maybe lol

    otakuness February 7, 2021 8:04 am
    I was upset about this too but I realized that he didn’t sleep with another woman. He basically says that he couldn’t get a boner so they weren’t able to anything! haha I guess that makes it okay since he... HaleyKawaii

    the same woman or another??

    HaleyKawaii February 7, 2021 8:36 am
    the same woman or another?? otakuness

    The same woman? Like the woman he met at the mixer and went to the hotel with. After he left, you know how his friend was waiting for him at his motorcycle? Basically they talked and Rei said they weren’t able to have sex because he couldn’t get a boner.

    otakuness February 7, 2021 6:21 pm
    The same woman? Like the woman he met at the mixer and went to the hotel with. After he left, you know how his friend was waiting for him at his motorcycle? Basically they talked and Rei said they weren’t abl... HaleyKawaii

    ya the one he went to a hotel with right after breaking up. oh thank god, i re-read and he did say "nothing happened". phew. this entire time i kept thinking he was unworthy of her but nvm now