Stop calling people stupid.
The reason why she even loved him in the first place was because no one ever showed her love for her whole life. She was constantly sexually abused and used in the orphanage. People who told her they loved her in the orphanage were only telling her that to use her sexually.
I have been through something similar and it has caused so much mental problems for me. I have completely stopped loving other people in general because of this.
The first time someone ever showed her love was that guy. He was the first person to try and protect her and give her a better life, all she was ever used to was sexual abuse. That’s why she fell so deeply in love with him because that was the first time she received any kindness from other people. This is the reason why she’s so obsessed with him.
Of course he changed and decided to use her like every single man in her life has, but she was so delusional and she did not want to believe that.
That does not make her stupid!
You have no right to comment on the behavior of someone else’s trauma, you can’t call someone stupid for the way they behave during their trauma. You can only do that for yourself. No one has the right to call me stupid for the way I behaved during my trauma and that also goes for you as well. This kind of story is non-fiction which means it will definitely happen in real life and is most likely currently happening all around the world.

Okay yeah but for someone like you love is stupid because all you’ve ever experienced is pathetic bullshit when it comes to relationships
No one is ever genuinely loved the main character and whenever they told her they loved her they just said that’s all they could use her sexually
So she never really felt real love and when she did the first guy was the only person who gave her that and genuinely meant it at the same time
That’s why she fell so deeply in love with them because she never felt that before and it was special to her
Clearly you won’t experience the same thing judging by your mentality but she went through that so stop judging it

Yes I also wish she killed more men because I also hate men just like you do <3
But I also don’t think it’s right to call her stupid because when you’re going through something you don’t know what choices to make because you’ve never been through it before and in order to make choices you need to have that wisdom and knowledge to do so

i agreed with you she is stupid to keep loving that fucker jae in .and she even sent her location to him ,because of her the only one person that truly love her (the policeman) die. and the ending when he hold that jae in is very stupid ,so disappointed with this ending. it's better if it's only two of them in the end (whether live or die) she and the policeman.
shes stupid to keep loving the first dingus . but i really wish she killed more men before she went down. im just a fucked up person