The way Kudou’s hair was styled the same as Park Seo Joon in one of his KDrama. AND THEY LOOKED THE SAME. mygad, I imagine Park Seo Joon in Kudou, my mind. But those panels with their eyes drawn beautifully? Those sexy times? The overall story? No excessive drama etc and full of sweetness. Refreshing to read. I can’t remember how many times I say the phrase, “Kudou is so sexy, what th hell." Because Kudou is so sexy, what the hell.
The way Kudou’s hair was styled the same as Park Seo Joon in one of his KDrama. AND THEY LOOKED THE SAME. mygad, I imagine Park Seo Joon in Kudou, my mind. But those panels with their eyes drawn beautifully? Those sexy times? The overall story? No excessive drama etc and full of sweetness. Refreshing to read. I can’t remember how many times I say the phrase, “Kudou is so sexy, what th hell." Because Kudou is so sexy, what the hell.