I don't think she was "in love" for 7 years. Sure, the love is there but I don't think it's the romantic type of love. She was only 12 so I don't think she can properly process those kinds of feelings yet.
And the reason why she stayed for 7 years is because she grew to love both the castle and the people there, and also because she wanted to see Erden again.
It's not just because of Erden that she stayed, at first, maybe its because she had nowhere else to go, but I'm sure as time passed by, she eventually loved the palace and the people there and with that, she wanted to protect it
But it is your opinion, so I'm just saying mine too haha
i like it but its so dumb like what she saw him for about a week when she was like what 12 for a week and fell in love and stayed in love for 7 more years shes dumd af and naive i like the basic premis of the manwha buts it not done well