I think he did well not going. Because right now what he essentially knows is that Chowon was using him as a temporary replacement until he gets who he thinks he truly wants. Chowon hurt his friend and wasn’t even sorry for it. Then he gets a call saying « you should come see him because he’s in the hospital ». I would think « he knows he can’t have that other dude so now he wants me to come back? Fuck no!! ». Kyungsoo could be thinking like this.
how is it kyungsoo fault? chowon is sick i sympathize but he didnt even out grow his bad personality... kyungsoo just wants him to atleast change. kyungso ask him about dojun and his worth to chowon and what did chowon do? he spits on him *figuratively*... in this chapter we finally see chowon resolve.. he tried to apologize to ppl he wrong, kyungsoo give him that push of courage for chowon to take a first step. ur suggestion aint solving chowon problem its merely RUNNING AWAY. how is it okay to get up and go abroad and find a new man? how can u be so sure his new man abroad wont be another dojun 2.0 or their relationship wont be like last time? chowon apologizing to heeso and ppl that he hurt show a legit step of moving on. embracing his fault, acknowledging his obssesive borderline crazy personality is bad, and trying to change it little by little.
kyungsoo is a great person, nomatter how chowon spits at him in the begiining he still warmly embrace him but kyungsoo is a man who has BOTTOM LINE. just cuz he loves chowon doesnt means he will ignore that bottom line.. what kinda lover are u to support that destructive behaviour for the partner and ppl around them? is it wrong for kyungsoo to hope that chowon could change for a better person
I think Kyungsee could have at least visited i feel bad for Chowon he is going through a lot of stuff