I know what you mean. But somehow I felt more annoyed at that Kate I feel like she manipulating Hue through Lucia. I dont know her goal and it annoyed me that she was able to make him do a bunch of things. I dont think he is a bad guy I think he is strictly 'hiding' her coz he doesnt what other guys to see her also I'm sure there bad people that want to meet her (like that guy who wants to carry on his dark familys tradition)

I would like to respectfully disagree with that statement. Tho she is stranger to his domain there is a difference between asking and telling. It’s respectful to tell someone where your going so if anything happens they know where you are. But when she asks permission it makes it sound like she can’t do anything for her self. A marriage is about support and trust.But Hue does not trust her and what’s to control her every move. I want her to move on and grow past that dream she had and to be strong and independent. That’s all ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

I do not want to spoil anything but you will know what i am talking about after they return to the capital
If i am married to someone who's got a lot of enemy and my homeland is not there i think it's my responsibility to ask permission to my husband
Where I plan to go as he is the one who knows that place more and who knows if its safe or not and if hue doesn't trust her why would he give her the management of the whole mansion? Down to last detail in supervising and managing the servants?
It's because you only focus about the word controlling you missed the bigger picture of what you are reading ¯¯_(ツ)_/¯
Maybe I forgot but why does she always ask permission to go places. There is it Different between Asking to go places And telling people you're going places. She is a grown woman and an Empress why is she doing that. Maybe it's because I have Been reading Strong female lead but it upset me to no end.Does he not trust that she won't cheat because if this does not stop the men will have no were to go but work and home. I don't think that's fair but Ill still read tho