I am confused having sex in school and balcony ... do people really do it in Japan? The m...

magic.hannah July 23, 2015 6:09 am

I am confused having sex in school and balcony ... do people really do it in Japan?
The manga is fine

    Sakura Yuuki July 30, 2015 8:37 am

    lol i want to know as well hmmm should go over and ask them hehehe ;) :P :D <3

    Blood July 30, 2015 10:28 am

    You forgot to add trains and parks and public toilets and offices and elevators and narrow alleys and churches and cars and amusement park rides...for now, these are the only ones that came to my mind ;)

    PRINCE7 April 11, 2016 8:37 pm

    I don't think they do if they did wouldn't someone eventually see them but it is embarrassing how they always do it in public

    Mameiha January 11, 2019 9:13 am

    I highly doubt it is as common as in manga if it happens at all. The whole reason we see it so much in manga, especially erotic manga, is because it is a popular fantasy. And it is a popular fantasy because it is something that is considered forbidden. Just like incest and rape/ravishment, exhibitionism is generally frowned upon in real life. Yet we still subconsciously desire those things we are told we can not have. So, we fantasize. We imagine, or read, fictional settings with fictional characters who are able to do all the forbidden things we can't and get away with them. We live vicariously through those characters and satisfy desires in our fantasies that would get us arrested, or ostracized, in real life. Fantasy is integral to a healthy mind. Otherwise, we would simply stew in sexual frustration until we eventually snap and do something illegal.

    magic.hannah January 18, 2019 11:53 am
    I highly doubt it is as common as in manga if it happens at all. The whole reason we see it so much in manga, especially erotic manga, is because it is a popular fantasy. And it is a popular fantasy because it ... Mameiha

    (● ̄(エ) ̄●) yes i understand that, but sometimes I can't help wondering about the real culture. But then I remember Japanese are not really keen on Real Gay Couples (=・ω・=)

    Mameiha January 19, 2019 12:51 am
    (● ̄(エ) ̄●) yes i understand that, but sometimes I can't help wondering about the real culture. But then I remember Japanese are not really keen on Real Gay Couples (=・ω・=) magic.hannah

    Think of it this way... in any culture, the things that are most forbidden will be the most popular when it comes to fantasy. In the US, we see a lot of superheroes in our fantasy. Why? Because the average person feels that they are always doing battle with a power greater than themselves - fate, government, poverty, etc. - and losing. So, in their fantasy, the superhero can beat back the evil power and win the day. The same concept applies to sex and eroticism. We can do things in our fantasies and fiction that we are denied in real life.

    In Japan, even public displays of affection between hetero couples is severely frowned upon. Kissing, hugging, and even hand holding will be met with scornful eyes. Japan is a very conservative and reserved culture... outside. Once in the privacy of their own homes and bedrooms, the Japanese have some of the wildest imaginations! This is born from living in a culture where total self-control, a reserved nature and the utmost politeness is required of everyone, all the time. Things we, in the US, consider insignificant in our interactions with others are seen as the height of ill-mannered in Japan. A simple gesture, like reaching out to shake hands, outside of a business transaction, is seen as a violation of personal space in Japan. A polite bow is much more acceptable. The concept of a social hierarchy is also huge in Japan. Even their language is geared to be spoken in a certain way, with certain words, to those who are considered either above or below you in the social hierarchy. The words senpai, kouhai, sensei, onee, onii and the suffixes san, kun, sama, etc., all reflect the social hierarchy. Japan has a very regimented and strict culture. So, of course, their fantasies and fiction are going to reach realms we can only dream of and they are also going to include scenes that we westerners take for granted. How often do you see a street scene in a manga where a girl is clinging to a guy's arm as they walk? That scene is actually very uncommon in Japan - except for the tourist areas of Tokyo and other major tourist cities. They can't exactly keep westerners from doing what they do out of habit, can they? Things like pornography, A/V and internet access are strictly governed and highly taxed. You can get them, but you will pay a steep price and find yourself staring at more mosaic than an Italian museum's floor! LOL So, where do the Japanese vent? Manga. Manga, anime, dramas, image clubs (for the bold) and host/hostess clubs (for the bold and wealthy). Manga is the most inexpensive and accessible form of "frustration venting" available to the Japanese. Hence, it's huge popularity.

    It is not a crime to be homosexual in Japan, but it is also not socially acceptable either. Japan views homosexuality as a fetish, no different than cosplay or BDSM. Fetishes can be repressed or ignored and one can still live a healthy, productive life. However, homosexuality IS NOT a fetish. Enjoying a little bondage play and only being attracted to the same sex are not even in the same psychological/biological realm! Japan refuses to acknowledge this and, for this reason, does not see the need for anti-discrimination laws for sexual orientation. A person can be expelled, fired and/or evicted, without any legal recourse, if they are even rumoured to be homosexual. Whether this happens, or not, is entirely up to the discretion of the school, employer or landlord. A person can even be asked to leave, and never return, from a public venue or establishment like a cafe, bar, restaurant, library, etc. Although homosexuality is not a crime, being out can be a social, and economical, death sentence. Don't be fooled by the idea of "adult adoption" and domestic partnerships. There are no benefits offered to homosexual couples in Japan. Adult adoption and domestic partnerships are legal contracts designed and implemented for heteros, but due to loopholes, homosexual couples can take advantage of a few small benefits if they can afford the fees. Domestic partnerships offer meager benefits and are only valid if you live and work in the same district for the extent of your partnership. The benefits are limited to inheritance of property and directing/taking responsibility for medical care in case of debilitating illness or injury. Adult adoption is very expensive and requires an extensive background check that often threatens to out the couple. Even the idea of a long term relationship is a dream most homosexuals never achieve. If you fear losing your high paying job, your home or your social standing by being outed, living together with a same sex partner for 20+ years, in the same place, is not something you will undertake lightly. With all these obstacles and the reserved and conservative nature of the Japanese culture, is it any wonder that homosexuality is also a very popular fantasy?

    My apologies for the long winded reply, but I hope I was able to give you some insight into why people in Japan, or anywhere, fantasize and write about the things they fantasize and write about. If it is too much to grasp or read, let me know and I will try to simplify it for you.