For everyone who is confused (repost because numbering disappeared)

勇気 (Yuuki) July 22, 2015 11:35 pm

I'm about to reread the entire series (even though I just did about a month ago) to see if I can get more clarity on the subject, but I'll work backwards from what we KNOW in order to start a productive thread about Mana/Nea/Millennium Earl theories.

Facts concerning Nea:
1. Nea is the 14th Noah.
2. Nea has been resurrected and he is now in Allen Walker's body.
3. Nea, as the 14th, betrayed the Noah in some way. Only Road and the current Millennium Earl are old enough to remember the details of the conflict, however. The D. Gray-man wiki claims that Nea was attempting to seize the patriarchy from the Millennium Earl, but there is no clear evidence to support this.
4. Nea was good friends with General Cross, as shown by Tim Campy’s behavior, and by the fact that General Cross initially raised Allen for the sheer purpose of awaiting Nea’s resurrection through his body.
5. Nea was very close to Road, and was seen in a flashback, held by her, presumably in protection from some unseen terror. Most likely what had killed him.
6. Nea was killed by the Millennium Earl.
--- As of current chapter ---
7. Nea is Mana’s identical twin - not born of the same seed, but created from the same being, the Millennium Earl who “only once disappeared” in order to split himself in two people.

Facts concerning Mana:
1.“Mana” is the name of the man who raised Allen.
2.“Mana” was reportedly a very disturbed man, who named Allen after his dog (ref. General Cross).
3.“Mana” was killed by Allen after the Millennium Earl turned him into an akuma.
4.Mana, according to Allen’s memories of Nea’s childhood, was a sickly child.
--- As of current chapter ---
5.Mana is the current Millennium Earl.
6.Mana has a form of dementia and severe memory distortion. He does not remember what he used to look like, neither does he recall his exact ties to Nea, other than the fact that he is “the 14th.”
7.Mana, as the current Millennium Earl, does not believe he is Mana, and continues to claim that “everything is Mana’s fault.” (See 3 latest chapters)

Facts concerning the Millennium Earl:
1.He is the patriarch of the Noah family, who were a collection of entities that survived the great flood, and to whom all of the current human race is related.
2.He is charged with fighting “the Innocence.”
3.He creates an opportunity for humans to resurrect the beloved dead, using a technology that binds the soul to a vessel and forces them to kill and take the flesh of the loved one that resurrected them. These beings are called Akuma, and they continue to kill, seemingly with no direct benefit to the Earl himself in fighting Innocence. Although Akuma have killed many exorcists, the exorcists have never posed a poignant threat to the Noah, who will always be reborn, even if they are killed. So I call the necessity of the Akuma into question. The Earl claims that he himself created the Akuma as a positive effect on humanity, “giving people a chance to show the magnitude of their love” by creating an akuma or the like. I believe this is directly related to a combination of his dementia, his indirect longing to bring Nea back, and Hoshino-sensei’s aesthetic need to make the Earl a man of creepy, inaccessible logic.
--- As of current chapter ---
4.The current Millennium Earl is Mana. He himself, however, has had no knowledge of this fact since the start of the series.
5.The current Millennium Earl has had his face and memories altered, and he bares a deep longing for Nea.
6.The Millennium Earl of the past was involved with Nea and Mana’s mother.
7.The Millennium Earl of the past was actually Nea and Mana, in one form.
8.The Millennium Earl has disappeared only once: when he was split into two people, presumably during the childhood of Nea and Mana, before the feud for the patriarchy began. That is to say, we can assume there was a time - as we saw in the flashback - when there was no Millennium Earl, and Nea and Mana had no concept of their relevance to the Noah.
9.At some point, the mother of Nea and Mana dies. Road also appears along the way, the first sign of Noah in their life. Shortly after, The Millennium Earl is at large in the story again, and kills Nea.

Problems to tease out:
First and foremostly, are the two “Mana” figures in this series the same person - is it even possible? Chronologically, if we laid out all flashbacks, Mana’s personal history would run fairly smoothly, as follows:
Mana and Nea are born → Mana and Nea’s mother dies → Mana and Nea presumably collide over the issue of succession to become The Earl → Mana kills Nea and becomes The Earl → Mana regrets or (from Road) learns to regret his decision to kill Nea and goes senile → Becomes a traveling clown → incidentally (or maybe not so incidentally) takes in Allen ⇒ somehow “dies” and is in two places at once, when he is resurrected as an Akuma, but is presumably also present as the Earl on the day Allen’s innocence awakens <=

There is reason to believe that the plot holes we are seeing will be smoothed over later. Mana the clown and Mana the man (as well as the Millennium Earl) have distinctly similar body types. They both suffer from increasing incoherent episodes of dementia, whose severity completely parallels the point in time at which they would have progressed in relevance to Nea’s death, had they been the same person. All that is left is to figure out is who the unreliable narrator is: Was Allen’s memory wrong? Since Allen can recall, he has always been with either Mana or Cross, two key people in Nea’s life. How much has Nea fashioned Allen’s existence? The key to Mana’s past lies in the validity of the imagery we have been fed thusly - through Allen’s eyes - and whether or not it was influenced in any way.

Secondly, and also a key component in figuring out Mana’s identity, is discovering who the Millennium Earl is. Was Mana always the Earl? Can the Earl be anyone else, besides either Mana or Nea, who are the two halves of the original? Anyways, food for my own thought, but I hope you guys will have fun with this too.

    Anonymous July 23, 2015 12:10 pm

    Thank u that help alot.i 've already forgotten many things.guess should go back and reread the whole serie again. And it's really back. Oh God I can't believe it.sooooooo happy i want to cry.

    Scarlet July 24, 2015 9:31 pm

    Great effort you've put in here. Thanks a lot.

    tinygoku July 25, 2015 9:03 pm

    It makes sense in a way that mana can be both the earl and akuma in Allen's memories. Remember after The 14th first awakening, the Earl stated that akuma are his eyes and ears, so for a demented man who can split himself in half, who knows how much he could split his soul (ex: infinite number of akuma)

    勇気 (Yuuki) July 26, 2015 12:50 am
    It makes sense in a way that mana can be both the earl and akuma in Allen's memories. Remember after The 14th first awakening, the Earl stated that akuma are his eyes and ears, so for a demented man who can spl... @tinygoku

    Interesting assessment. For me, that would mean he separated his conscience into a separate being. The mana who raised Allen, would then have operated has his own entity, incidentally or rather, in all eventuality returning to the millennium earl upon the advent of his death. However, I'm sure you can imagine the complications with assuming that the Earl, at any point in time, can become any number of people. It stands valid in as much as all other theories. :3 thanks

    勇気 (Yuuki) July 26, 2015 12:50 am
    Great effort you've put in here. Thanks a lot. Scarlet

    Thank you!! It's a long post ^_^ so I commend you for reading!

    勇気 (Yuuki) July 26, 2015 12:51 am
    Thank u that help alot.i 've already forgotten many things.guess should go back and reread the whole serie again. And it's really back. Oh God I can't believe it.sooooooo happy i want to cry. @Anonymous

    I'm rereading too!! Grab some tasty snacks and get down n gritty like me~ ♡

    シンナ July 26, 2015 9:31 pm

    You stated that the akuma have "no benefit to the Earl in fighting the innocence" but the akuma live solely for finding innocence. Honestly, the first or only words that come out of akuma mouth is where is the innocence?!?! which from recent chapters is not as innocent as we were led to believe (I agree with allen & wanted to barf). So, now we have a story of a battle between a mad earl, creepy innocence & and humans that were tossed in the middle, since both sides are using them (humans) to fight off the other.

    シンナ July 26, 2015 9:39 pm
    You stated that the akuma have "no benefit to the Earl in fighting the innocence" but the akuma live solely for finding innocence. Honestly, the first or only words that come out of akuma mouth is where is the ... @シンナ

    By both sides, I mean whether as turning humans into akuma or having them be born with innocence. From what I see, this is really a story of the human underdogs getting yanked around by big players.