I don't like that she has to ask for permission to get out. it is historically accurate, but still don't like, it feels overly controlling like he has the final say everything he says is gonna happen. No now that I remember the novel was different she did do everything he said but she had her... never mind it's spoilers
But 8n the same breath is this because she has to or because of how her previous life was. If she grew up like a 'normal' noble her personality might have been very different.
But 8n the same breath is this because she has to or because of how her previous life was.If she grew up like a 'normal' noble her personality might have been very different. Vicki
I really want to comment but it will be a spoiler so am just going to come back when it happens Btw it is a very happy event
I don't like that she has to ask for permission to get out. it is historically accurate, but still don't like, it feels overly controlling like he has the final say everything he says is gonna happen. No now that I remember the novel was different she did do everything he said but she had her... never mind it's spoilers