Bro do you not realize that the only way he would gain true freedom was to brainwash the whole manor. My guy was never treated right by anyone in the manor especially his mother who would always play dirty tricks to have him killed. So the only way he knew he would be safe is if he took the title and the manor.

Well he can leave the manor for one. There's alternative things he can do. Like brainwash only the few people who are threats to him that are in power and he can literally fire the rest of the servants and rehire people who won't be affiliated with people tryna hurt him. So many other things can be done that are so much more logical and less harmful. But that's not the point of this post, the point is people are trying to excuse horrible behavior because they're simps and think family trauma gives you a right to treat other people like shit when it doesn't. Idrc about Nocton himself I like him as a villain

You can sympathize to a degree and still hold someone accountable. You can't coddle cheaters because they never were able to see a healthy relationship growing up or because they have trust issues. You can't coddle serial killers and school shooters simply cause mommy didn't love them or they got bullied. That's like saying someone like Nikolaus Cruz isn't a bad person despite him shooting up a school and brutally murdering 17 people because he supposedly has mental health issues and family issues. I see literal comments saying that Nocton doesnt deserve hate and he's not a bad person because of his trauma when that's just bs because he IS the villain and IS a bad person because of his actions and behavior. I don't like seeing people pass his shit off just cause they like him it's just deluded.

They’re not wrong though. With all these manwhas many of the readers sympathize with the ML regardless of how toxic and manipulative they are and that’s not a good mentality to go by. It’s totally valid to like a complex character but people need to realize that this behaviour isn’t okay and he’s still not a great person regardless of his intentions. Rationalizing this toxic behaviour in these manwhas can also deep into your real life so I think it’s valid to critic these characters because not all of these male leads deserve the benefit of the doubt. It’s always been the FL job to “fix” the ML and put up with his toxic and low key abusive ways and it’s honestly tiring seeing this trope because it’s extremely harmful.

THIS ! All I'm pointing out in this post is that you can't give Nocton a free pass for shitty behavior just cause you like him and it's highly annoying to see people defend it to the point they are. It drives me NUTS especially since there's plenty of people living in beyond fucked up family situations irl who don't go around being toxic asf.
Y'all simps are annoying asf jesus christ. Out here really tryna defend a toxic ass man to the level y'all are doing... You can like him, I could care less and the dude is a decent villain, just don't act like his trauma and issues are a pass for him to be toxic and abusive because boohoo his family he's broken and doesn't trust. Does that give him a right to constantly harass Duroa and be a manipulative prick? A pass for it to be okay for him to literally brainwash people and take away their free will for years at times (or the remainder of their lives) for selfish reasons and most of the time not even for his own safety? You cannot tell me him brainwashing the whole manor is for his safety that's a load of bs especially when he has defensive/offensive powers, sword skills, and not to mention the immunity that comes with his title and status in society.