(*-∀-)ゞ Well.... I just finished chapter 41, and.... **spoilers ahead**

SlyfurVulpin December 1, 2020 11:43 am

EDIT: I was right, so I’ma go ahead and flag this as a Spoiler! Read this topic with caution, please〜!

I just have a few things I need to get off my chest.

I get that the uke’s friend from High School was there for him, when no one else was, but it’s already starting to look like he was the cause of the whole incident, anyway. His level of possessiveness just screams unstable, and we’ve all read enough manga to know what that leads to, more often than not.

Not to mention, of course, how manipulative the guy is! ‘I was nice to you, when no one else was, and you’re just gonna abandon me?’ NOT a quote, but it’s definitely what he was saying. (; ̄Д ̄)Friends don’t lord that kinda crap over your head!!

I 100% feel bad for the seme.. I can completely forgive the shit he pulled at the start, since the uke pulled the shit he did.. But I mean!! He treats the uke so well! And he goes and chooses that shady bastard’s side..??

Bro... It was a VERY mild burn, that wouldn’t blister, even if it was left alone!! Yet, he turns his back on a simple promise he made! All he had to do was stand there, and watch. (; ̄Д ̄) Those girls woulda happily helped the douche, even if the uke left him. SUPPORT YOUR DAMN BOYFRIEND!

The psycho’s need to monopolize the uke, is just unsavory. It’s a completely biased opinion, based on mere speculation, but it still pisses me off.. Like... Can’t he see that the uke is actually happy now..? Yes. He can! But!! He wants to keep the uke miserable, just so he can swoop in, and play hero. It’s gross. So.. So gross...

I really wanna see the bastard get what’s comin’.. I won’t be satisfied with anything less than a broken nose. ╮(─▽─)╭ It’d be even better if it’s the uke who does it, because that would hurt soooo much more than if the seme did it.

I’m done now. I got it all said, so it’s time to go finish reading it. I’m in too deep to drop it at this point. (*-∀-)ゞ

    Aika December 1, 2020 3:05 pm

    I get all you say and I wholeheartedly agree with you but when junwoo burnt his hand , if it was me I would chose him too. It’s not anything special but he is a friend he knew for a long time and a precious one who was always by his side (since he didn’t knew the truth) so if I face the same situation I am sure I would chose a friend over my boyfriend