cancer rumors??

yibeikafei November 30, 2020 8:36 pm

So I have been reading about these cancer rumors a lot and I want to clarify some things:
It seems that people have been basing this rumor on the mention of "terminal stage cancer" in the narration part of ch. 3. Actually, the translation that is uploaded here is a bit awkward (no offense to the translator pls~)

Maybe someone with better Chinese can correct me if I am wrong but this is how I would translate that narration:

"This was our first encounter, and we will spend the next 200 chapters going through all sorts of trials and tribulations together as it's supposed to be. There will be no such things as being involved in a murder case, a mountain climbing accident, terminal cancer, and amnesia from a car accident. But, it doesn't matter since as long as we meet again, we may gradually get close to each other anyway." (And then the crossed out part says: "or maybe not...")

When I read that part for the first time, I interpreted it as the narrator declaring that this manhua will not have these melodramatic plot twists, it will simply be a story of two people getting closer and falling in love with one another and thus their story will not rely on cliched plot devices such as terminal cancer.

ON THAT NOTE!!! I am also super stressed out by the hospital scene and I do wish that there won't be no ridiculous terminal cancer plot twists when we are so close to the end!!!

PS. This comment keeps being deleted after I post it TAT why? I already wrote it so I just wanna share ┗( T﹏T )┛

    tutu November 30, 2020 10:29 pm

    thank you for the translation also you should copy and paste this somewhere else just in case it gets deleted again

    yibeikafei December 1, 2020 8:50 am
    thank you for the translation also you should copy and paste this somewhere else just in case it gets deleted again tutu

    It just got posted with delay, weird... ┗( T﹏T )┛