I can see your perspective. I agree that artists should be able to freely express themselves. HOWEVER, there’s a few things wrong with your post.
1. You shouldn’t generalize. Collectively blaming the “younger age group” and “younger readers” is false and simply incorrect. There are those who respect art and those who disagree with it. Blaming people unlike yourself is unfair to those who are not like the narrative you’re setting.
2. This claim also makes me feel sick: “ I guess they don't want rape so much that they're willing to kill the yaoi genre just so no one ever sees any rape.” Yaoi does not coincide with rape. Although there are mangas/manhwas that show these things to progress their plot, an ENTIRE genre is not going to disappear because individuals don’t like depictions of rape.
3. I don’t feel uncomfortable when I read a rape scene in webcomics like this because I understand that this is simply a form of art. But that doesn’t mean I’m gonna tell someone who may have trauma with sexual abuse that they should shut the fück up about the discomfort they feel.
4. Artists should be able to take criticism. I say this with reluctance, because criticism can be hurtful. But if you are showing sensitive topics, or contributing to the normalization of something, it should be expected to receive criticism. Ultimately, an artist should create for THEMSELVES and their FANS, without regard to those who dislike their work.
5. I want to remind you that yaoi is NOT synonymous with rape. An ENTIRE genre of stories is not going to die out because a part of society disagrees with rape scenes.
(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

First you trash the comic n the ones liking it, second u targets this person, third dont talk about cursing n demeaning words, every person who comes here trash talk and use offensive language at those who are enjoying the comic, who actually wants to see the development, who ships the main couple. Would u mind looking at other comments??Dont say you arent judgemental if u r only looking at one side of the story.

Well if it makes you feel easier i've been called a bitch, psycho, moron, disgusting human being just for reading and liking this manga. You can see the previous comments and you can see the two big paragraphs from me explaining everything about this situation. Soo... please go check it out and then try to understand how are we feeling.

Righ.When U call seme a trash.. "Oh its just a character!!"
When the character rapes.. "He and people defending him should all go to jail..Rape is real!!...... Whos wildin here??
Oh sorry!! I forgot to mention your first comment where u called some girl A B*tch just cz she liked the manhwa!! NOW, care to explain!!

You implied that an entire genre of stories would disappear if people didn’t support artists who featured rape in their works—
“We are about to see THIS GENRE DRY UP. ..It's as if they don't know that they're going to lose these precious manga and manhwa if they don't change their attitude. I guess they don't want rape so much that they're WILLING TO KILL THE YAOI GENRE just so no one ever sees any rape.”
Soo~ yes? (: in a way, you did.

no. I explained that ALL of the artists will not be happy at the persecution of a few. I've seen it happen before. I was perfectly clear about it. I don't see how you thought otherwise, but okay, misunderstanding.
You sound like you thought I meant like overnight disappearance. no. dry up is not overnight. gradually.
and these "take the art and artists for granted brats" should change their rotten attitudes and be more appreciative and grateful instead of acting so spoiled

First of all, I tried to be polite but you’re being rude so I don’t really feel like it anymore.
Second of all, now YOU’RE taking my words out of context. I never said it would dry up overnight, and I definitely didn’t imply it.
Third of all, you’re ignorant too. You get pissed off at individuals who don’t support rape, but refuse to understand that some of these individuals have deep trauma with rape and I’m not saying it’s okay to hurt an artist because, to me, all art is good art, but you should show more respect for those who have dealt with these things.

Again, someone’s upset because I negated their point and now their grasping at straws for an excuse.
I didn’t make it sound like their were rape specialists, and I don’t even know what that means. But, since the word ‘featured’ confused you, I’ll reword it:
Artists who have USED rape to progress their storylines.
It’s okay to be upset at individuals who isolate artists and make them feel terrible about their work.
It’s not okay to try and make ME feel bad for telling you why you’re in the wrong too, CLEARLY giving you valid reasons, and you trying to mislead your audience by including me with that group of people.

I think I understand quite clearly.
I already told you it’s okay to be upset; I’m not invalidating YOUR feelings or your strong support of yaoi artists/writers.
I also already told you everything that was wrong with your post though, and I’m not gonna break it down again just because you’re not paying attention.

That's why there are different types of mangas. There are mangas with rape that have sad endings and rape mangas that begin with hate but end with love. Also there are fluffy, lovey dovey mangas which are for the people who have traumas like this. People who have suffered in my opinion don't deserve to read this kind of mangas (if they're not healed) because we all know that their comment will end up with hate or some kind of disappointment and that my friend is not fair for the rest of the readers. Do you understand now? Also nobody is supporting rape, no one wants that real life. It's simple, if you're not a kinky person and are uncomfortable reading this kind of plot then you shouldn't have even begin reading it cuz there are literally everywhere tags, comments and alerts about this manga, so yes, of course I'm gonna be here and contradicting everyone who write hate comments. It's simple as that.

Thank you for your response, and your respect. I want to restate that I’m NOT against using rape to progress a plot line. I was simply calling this person out because they lumped an entire group of people together (the younger generation), accused those who don’t support rape of drying up an entire genre, and made a few other statements I disagreed with.
Ultimately, I don’t agree with showing hate or disrespect for an artist, either. And I do think if certain stories are hurtful or traumatizing to read, that the individual who is hurt/traumatized should just not engage with that type of art, but I also have an issue with the other side of things, and those invalidate rape victims and make hasty generalizations (this does not include you, only the individual I originally responded to).
Does that make sense?

Yup it makes sense but he is also right. If the younger generations come here and start reading this stuff (which i kinda don't approve of cuz they're still young) with more and more hate comments the ratings of various mangas will change and we don't know the consequences about that. Maybe the authors will drop that specific manga or maybe all together will stop writing that kind of plot. The change I'm talking about for this specific comment section is literally about this. People who are aware that won't like this are still here and shaming it and it looks like they're doing it on purpose cuz everybody knows that this is one of the most heated comment sections and there are always some kind of arguments. Also they're always hunged up on one thing and that's the rape and they don't bother reading this as whole. They ignore all the secrets, mistery, history and potential this manga has. So i can really understand how quicksilver is feeling.
I don't care about rape for starters.
Don't think the Lezhin artist don't see these comments. They are one click and a google translate button away. They see what you're doing to the artist of this manhwa, and they're angry. The hatred, insults, protests about the subject of rape has a huge effect.
Before about 3 years ago, people totally had a perspective on rape. Appreciation for the artist came as a huge priority over complaining and yelling at artists that they shouldn't draw certain things like rape. There used to be gratitude, adulation, fans sent them gifts, and expressed their complete devotion. The result was that yaoi flourished because the fans made the artists happy.
This group of younger readers doesn't understand that artists will either be free to express their own ideas without limitations, or they simply will stop producing art. Keep demanding they stop writing rape or any other subject they choose and watch what's about to happen. "I'm just expression my opinion. there's nothing wrong with it." There's everything wrong with it!
The world has learned what I guess the younger people just don't get, that you can't demand that artists do what you want, request, or require no matter what. They need to be free to do what they do.
I guess a younger age group flooded in and started reading manga, only they were extremely hard on the artists and still are. this has been going on for the past 3 years. I don't think they understand that artists are not normal people.many many of them are HSP's, and they can't handle cannon fire in huge blast waves. They're super sensitive. Easily hurt. not capitalistic. so it would be hard to buy their loyalty to this genre. I sense that the situation is at a breaking point. I don't see how the readers can't feel it. We are about to see this genre dry up. It's already happening and meanwhile these fans are not letting up. It's as if they don't know that they're going to lose these precious manga and manhwa if they don't change their attitude. I guess they don't want rape so much that they're willing to kill the yaoi genre just so no one ever sees any rape.
The Lezhin artists have closed ranks behind artists before. An artist gets mistreated, and the collective artists will react in a way that will stun you. Do you want boycotts and walkouts?
I don't want that to happen again. It's too painful for the artists, and they will quit working or slow down their work if they're upset. Far fewer artist will draw yaoi. It's not worth the hatred and discouragement. Artists are motivated more by people liking and expressing their approval and affection than they are by money.
Start appreciating them for whatever they're expressing, accept them for who they are. Don't make artists the martyrs in your campaign against rape or any other subject you don't like, or don't and watch this genre disappear. It's already happening.