I can't sit still and read some spoilers...

Fujushit1234 November 30, 2020 9:11 am

Spoilers are not accurate. It's just the basic of my understanding base on the spoilers I have read
Tory's actually a spy from the emperor's side. So when the 'ml' knew about that, she killed Tory on their wedding night. ( I'm not actually sure when he found out...haven't skimmed it through)

So basically, Tory was just pretending to be on the Ml's side from the beginning.
The reason why Tory is on Larriet's Birthday in her ragged attire is because, she stole
Princess Nigel's invitation under the command of Rupert (ML) - (To spy on the Bellua's?)

On their first timeline, Rupert didn't have any romantic inclination towards Tory. He just like her as a friend, but might actually be interested in Larriet (althought a little bit). Proof - he didn't kill her immediately just like what he did to her 'family'. He just only kill her later on, when she insisted and Rupert (emperor/ml) didn't want to see her like that.

Also, the major plot twist on the story - Larriet is not actually the real daughter of the Count Bellua. She's the daughter of the previous emperor and her adopted mother is a friend of the countess in which she entrusted the child to her. So technically, Lehan (adopted brother) is not her real brother, and actually like Larriet in their previous timeline (romantically), the reason he was distancing himself to her.
Also, Lichie, (Larriet's female friend with skyblue hair) secretly hates Larriet because Lehan likes her and actually knew that she was an adopted child.

(Previous Timeline)Her so called family wanted and insisted that she needed to become the empress together with Prince Arnulf as the emperor. So when Rupert become the emperor, they stagged a rebellion against him and died in the end. Larriet, didn't know this and loved them before she died.

In the previous timeline, things have change already. Larriet's intervention actually works and the emperor actually doted on her and spoiled his daughter very much~ I've read an mtl sidestory about the emperor and empress's daily lives.
Rupert actually likes to spoil his daughter Ellie (Elizabeth) but actually kinda jealous and secretly thinks that Larriet might actually love their daughter than him. Yay~

This is so long. I wonder if anyone wanted to read these? Lol

    yuki hime November 30, 2020 9:27 am

    yaaaay thank you for your nice explanation!! the plot is way more complex and elaborated than i thought it would be! nice! have a nice day

    Kizzzz November 30, 2020 9:30 am

    I read it and MAN the plot is twisted like hell the father is soooo evil and she adopted OH MAH GOD

    Fujushit1234 November 30, 2020 9:33 am
    yaaaay thank you for your nice explanation!! the plot is way more complex and elaborated than i thought it would be! nice! have a nice day yuki hime

    You are very much welcome~

    Fujushit1234 November 30, 2020 9:42 am
    I read it and MAN the plot is twisted like hell the father is soooo evil and she adopted OH MAH GOD Kizzzz

    Yeah, the plot is really really complicated and if one dig deeper, there's still dark conspiracies that meet more than the eyes. But all in all, the emperor (Rupert's father) is the main villain here!

    karsar November 30, 2020 10:43 am

    can i ask where did u read the spoilers? (=・ω・=)

    Sakuraruu November 30, 2020 11:43 am
    Yeah, the plot is really really complicated and if one dig deeper, there's still dark conspiracies that meet more than the eyes. But all in all, the emperor (Rupert's father) is the main villain here! Fujushit1234

    But then, Rupert and Larriet are actually close blood tied cousins?
    Previous emperor and current emperor are brothers.
    Larriet is previous emperor’s daughter.
    Rupert is current emperor’s son...
    Is that what it is?

    Fujushit1234 November 30, 2020 11:46 am

    Ah, yeah. Technically, they are cousins.

    Fujushit1234 November 30, 2020 11:52 am
    can i ask where did u read the spoilers? (=・ω・=) karsar

    Here, https://forum.novelupdates.com/threads/your-majesty-please-dont-kill-me-again-%ED%8F%90%ED%95%98-%EB%98%90-%EC%A3%BD%EC%9D%B4%EC%A7%84-%EB%A7%90%EC%95%84%EC%A3%BC%EC%84%B8%EC%9A%94.113895/.

    This is a forum of spoilers, as well as the latest cover for the novel, featuring their child.

    Yoonkook November 30, 2020 2:11 pm

    Holy shit, these are really good plot twists though!
    Thank you for taking the time to share them, can’t wait to read it in the webtoon~

    darkangelic November 30, 2020 2:14 pm
    Here, https://forum.novelupdates.com/threads/your-majesty-please-dont-kill-me-again-%ED%8F%90%ED%95%98-%EB%98%90-%EC%A3%BD%EC%9D%B4%EC%A7%84-%EB%A7%90%EC%95%84%EC%A3%BC%EC%84%B8%EC%9A%94.113895/. This is a foru... Fujushit1234

    May I know which one is the latest cover? I just saw the second volume cover which inly emporer and MC.

    Hopeless_shipper November 30, 2020 2:59 pm

    "he might've liked her. He only killed her later on when she asked"

    Damn is she supposed to feel grateful about that? Lmao-

    Joking aside, thanks for spoiling.
    Also, I CANT BELIEVE I CALLED IT(my mind wonders around while I read- it's like I'm doing two things at the same time. One half of my brain is processing the story, the other forms wild and incredibly unprovable outcomes, and this was one of them)