the amount of angst ive gotten from reading this holy shit first off I TRUSTED DONGYEOL AND HE DOES THIS second as much as i dont rlly like asara (?) she radiates major femdom vibes and its hot ngl third duwon or wtv the FUCK his name is, is pissing me off sm and now hes getting jealous or some shit bc han and the queen is getting all giddy giddy?? LIKE HUH WHAT THE FUCK
i dont think dowun is jealous, because remember he's just after the mc's royal blood. so instead of getting jealous, he might just be annoyed with baek nan rather than being jelous of him. ( ̄▽ ̄)✧ (because dowun's plans might get ruined since mc might not marry him if she loves baek nan)
the amount of angst ive gotten from reading this holy shit first off I TRUSTED DONGYEOL AND HE DOES THIS second as much as i dont rlly like asara (?) she radiates major femdom vibes and its hot ngl third duwon or wtv the FUCK his name is, is pissing me off sm and now hes getting jealous or some shit bc han and the queen is getting all giddy giddy?? LIKE HUH WHAT THE FUCK