Snow white with the red hair, natsume yuujinchou, kyoukai no Kanata, barakamon, gekkan shoujo nozaki-kun, hoshiai no sora, kimi to boku, kokoro connect, servant x service, sarazanmai, shounen maid, usagi drop
I tried to pick some that were either lesser known or aired a while ago so people forgot about them! You can watch all these on 4anime or gogoanimw

For anime if you want to watch on site I recommend using gogoanime but if you want to use app use katsu if you use iOS and ap anime if you're using Android. And I recommend watching saiki kusuo psi nan if you want some comedy and slice of life. For complete slice of life I recommend tanaka kun is always listless. Charlotte is a good anime if you want some romance with op and hidden power mc. For mecha I think knight and magic is a good one. Mekakucity actors is also good tho it's underrated as heck.

Ao No Exorcist
Natsume Yuujinchou (rainy day anime)
Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles (manga has a lot more detail)
Mature Themes:
Psycho Pass
Death Note
Shingeki no Kyojin
El Cazador de la Bruja
Kill la Kill
07 Ghost
Samurai Flamenco
Yami no Matsuei
Yuri!!! on Ice
Mirage of Blaze (will hurt you even with the Ovas)
Spirit Pact (I like it best in the original Chinese)
The ones in GL/BL sections rarely confirm things but make it pretty fucking obvious who the main couple is. Except for Yuri!!!on Ice. Which is super sweet BL.
Not manga related but I was wondering if anyone has any recommendations for what anime i should watch and where?