Diarrhea?? Really?????? How came?? Sorry im totally blurrr when it came this kind of thing

Okay y'all, time for a lesson in butt sex. With a healthy digestive system, you shouldn't NEED an enema (a butt-cleaning process) but since most people don't get enough fiber, they may have issues with their digestion. Now, regular enemas aren't really good for your gut, but if you want complete cleanliness, it's not a bad idea. However, enemas make your ass dry as a goddamn desert so there's a greater possibility for tearing. I mean, imagine if you had vaginal sex and you're weren't wet. Fucking terrible. Remember, enemas' original purpose is to relieve constipation, meaning it softens the poop. That's what causes diarrhea, because you're loosening the structure of your shit. Now I know a lot of yaoi mangas have ukes "cleaning themselves down there" but loads of people have fantastic butt sex without ever doing an enema. It's important to clean the outer area however because ew, bacteria. Lube also helps prevent things from sticking to the penis and condom so yes to lube (always remember, use water-based or silicone-based lube NOT oil-based ones because oil CAN CAUSE THE CONDOM TO TEAR and unless you wanted to be pregnant, this is not ideal.). Conclusion, enemas are okay but frequent use is bad and there may not even be a need to clean inside of your ass. Now have fantastic safe butt sex.

So after butt sex its still best to clean it out if come inside right? Don't need enema tho?
Silly question
why uke hate went seme cum inside ass? Beside it can cause ill what else?? Hard to clean