Possible spoilers I think and I could be wrong so don’t quote me and if need be I’ll delete this ..... read at your own risk
I went down the rabbit hole and sherlocked my way through fragmentS of raws somehow and so from google translate I think this is the deal... the sister and Taiki are not really together. I think she has a crush on a teacher? (Could be wrong) but they are both in on it and basically won’t deny or confirm the rumors. Taiki likes Yukito and basically is all flirty with the sister cause he likes how Yukito gets all jealous when he does. Maybe he is taking advantage of the situation to get him to like him. There is another guy that comes into the picture that is interested in Yukito and Taiki gets mad jealous.... I could be wrong .... here is what I based translations on so don’t come at me https://twitter.com/blrelease/status/1311494377601069056?s=21

Hi. So if you go to the official page of the magazine LiQulle where the manga publishes, you can go to Vol 52 and Vol 54 and click on the pink icon it will take you to previews of the chapters (as well as other mangas). It’s not much but at least it gives you a little bit of what’s to come.
Here is the link https://over-lap.co.jp/Form/Product/ProductList.aspx?shop=0&cat=LQM
Please no one report me
Can I please have raws or can someone spoil me please? This is giving me anxiety so bad!!! ╥﹏╥