Oh shit yeah he's still there, but I also feel like he might be the one to expose jihwa's plan to seungho. Cuz he's one of the few who knew about jihwa's plan and he definitely likes to stir shit it up so while it would clear up the misunderstanding between seungho and nakyum it will cause a rift between seungho and jihwa
Idk I feel like Lord Min is also mad about nakyum. This is how I see it, it's not because he has feelings for Seungho necessarily but rather he misses the old Seungho who would casually sleep around/fuck around for fun. Even though Seungho is not necessarily monogamous quite yet, Lord Min can tell there is a difference in his attitude. He knows Seungho has some kind of feelings for Nakyum and has pushed Seungho's buttons about it which caused Seungho to get mad at him. Lord min seems like the narcissistic type lol.
Everyone else forgetting the other crazy dude (totally forget his name) that said he wanted to sleep with Nakyum before Jihwa killed him.