I fully intended to forget any of this two mangakas existed if they dared finish it all wi...

blue November 28, 2020 11:35 am

I fully intended to forget any of this two mangakas existed if they dared finish it all with Ryouma's ass still unsullied. I can't say this is much better, but at least they touched on some of the issues with our current BL industry, I guess. But. Did they really need to make that joke about Izumi's size? I get it, he's a smol boi with a smol peepee, but Ryouma looked like he was fondly indulging a child instead of, you know, being fucked in the ass.

It's incredibly annoying how they turned such a big issue into a joke. Especially after breaking the 4th wall time and time again in order to let us know that the BL readers apparently hate switches. Of fucking course they do; most of the Japanese BL mangakas love to fetichize and heteronormatize gay relationships, so a lot of readers end up doing the same fucking thing. This was their chance of addressing the problem for what it is. Instead, they turn it into a joke that doesn't even make sense, because unless Izumi has a micropenis (which is something that would've already came up after so many chapters), there is no way Ryouma wouldn't had noticed anything. But I get it. "Ha, ha. Big seme afraid of being pounded, smol uke wants to be seme but then it turns out that he's so small it's like he's still using his fingers". A real comedy pearl, I can't understand how come I'm not rolling on the floor already.

Also, what the hell is it with that ridiculously rushed ending? Are you just going to let that 40IQ predictable villain get away unscathed just because someone asked you not to go to the police with this? Really? So I guess that, as long as we have scary bosses who can "punish us accordingly", we can get away with kidnapping, extortion, sexual harassment, blackmail, threats of bodily harm, and threats of rape! And I use the word "threat" very lightly here. We all know that, if this was real life, Ryouma's entrance would've been just at the moment of penetration, no time for stopping because of a little startle.

And surely they still had a ton of plotholes to cover? Like the idiot with a brother complex —there's no way in hell the main couple will ever be happy with that nuisance always barging in and selfishly declaring what they can or cannot do.

Sorry if my comment offends anyone, either because of my language or my opinions, but I'm so disappointed with this manga and its mangakas that I'm unable to find any sugary-sweet words I could use to express myself otherwise. I will stop here, since this was supposed to be a single paragraph anyway and I'm only getting madder the more I write, considering that I used to have high opinions of both of this mangakas (especially Taishi Zaou, whom I've followed ever since Princess Princess) and of this manga in particular.

    Sept_san002 December 3, 2020 7:10 pm

    Honestly I agree I do love this manga and I was happy that they addressed the issue but I was a little disappointed with how the scene ended up ensuing and you're right I hate how in a lot of BL a molester or criminal goes unpunished