Tastebuds? Eyes? Srsly..

Jewels July 15, 2015 1:52 pm

...how the heck do you not notice the difference between WATER and ENOUGH ALCOHOL TO MAKE YOU PASS OUT, is what I would like to know.

    Finality July 20, 2015 2:54 pm

    let's say they both couldnt smell anything and he instinctively gulped down the whole glass of "water": could' ve been pure vodka?
    i m surprised he didnt have to cough tho that'S gotta burn in your throat so badly

    Jewels July 20, 2015 3:06 pm
    let's say they both couldnt smell anything and he instinctively gulped down the whole glass of "water": could' ve been pure vodka? i m surprised he didnt have to cough tho that'S gotta burn in your throat so ba... Finality

    It would still take a few minutes for the alcohol to kick in tho... And if it was me, I'd puke on the spot if I chugged that much vodka. Ew.

    eh- July 20, 2015 7:28 pm

    anyone can tell the difference between straight-up alcohol and water. but not many can see the difference between watered-down drinks and water in a dark club.