
ihatevegies3 November 28, 2020 4:00 am

some of y'all are taking this "team yahwi" "team cain" mess too far tbh. they're all just lines, colors, and pixels on a screen. it's just a story... it's not real... go outside. if you can't tell the difference between a simple manhwa and real life, then it's time to rejoin society outside or find something else to read. *shrug*

    c0ck November 28, 2020 4:06 am

    You realize people read manhwa to escape the shitty reality we live in lol, you commenting this defeats the whole purpose... stop trying to act like your helping anyone (● ̄(エ) ̄●)

    c0ck November 28, 2020 4:11 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! mandy

    Idk if u meant to reply to the person above me, I didn’t mean to imply we didn’t have a life I meant the opposite lol sorry if it came off different

    ihatevegies3 November 28, 2020 4:19 am
    You realize people read manhwa to escape the shitty reality we live in lol, you commenting this defeats the whole purpose... stop trying to act like your helping anyone (● ̄(エ) ̄●) c0ck

    I'm not talking down to anyone or trying to help anyone. I'm talking about the people in the comments who are attacking others and sending them malicious messages because they think one character is better than another. Like whatever you want; I don't care, but when it gets to the point that you're attacking strangers on the internet about a story, then you need to take a step back and go outside.

    ihatevegies3 November 28, 2020 4:19 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! mandy

    Obviously everyone here have lives lmfao. I'm talking about the people in the comments who are attacking others and sending them malicious messages because they think one character is better than another. Like whatever you want; I don't care, but when it gets to the point that you're attacking strangers on the internet about a story, then you need to take a step back and go outside.

    Mad Hatter November 28, 2020 7:15 am

    Yo I totally agree with you man . I originally was like “haha I’m team Yahwi” as a joke but everyone is starting to be so toxic I don’t even wanna get involved anymore. Like yeah I know Yahwi is a jerk, that’s what makes this story more interesting and angsty lmao. He’s a fictional character for gods sake, people need to stop taking this whole debate too seriously. If you don’t like him, that’s fine, don’t start attacking others tho like wth...

    oliver November 28, 2020 7:40 am

    you gotta chill... people enjoy shit like this similiarly to movies. people have interests, let them be. they can argue over the value of a character lmfao like they would if draco was better than harry or if eleven was better than kali

    ihatevegies3 November 28, 2020 1:01 pm
    you gotta chill... people enjoy shit like this similiarly to movies. people have interests, let them be. they can argue over the value of a character lmfao like they would if draco was better than harry or if e... oliver

    Yeah, people can enjoy anything because it's fiction, but when you start sending threats and harmful messages to actual people over fictional characters, that's not engaging with media. Some people in these comments need to calm down and let people have fun and like whatever they like because at the end of the day jooin, yahwi, and cain aren't real, but the person you just threatened on mangago is.

    Laylaaa!! November 28, 2020 7:11 pm
    Yeah, people can enjoy anything because it's fiction, but when you start sending threats and harmful messages to actual people over fictional characters, that's not engaging with media. Some people in these com... ihatevegies3

    EXACTLY, I'm literally scrolling through the comments and I'm even scared to put out my own opinion about saying i prefer yahwi because I know a bunch of people will attack me and try to change my own opinion

    oliver November 28, 2020 9:16 pm
    Yeah, people can enjoy anything because it's fiction, but when you start sending threats and harmful messages to actual people over fictional characters, that's not engaging with media. Some people in these com... ihatevegies3

    ok yeah that i can agree with. a lot of people are taking it too far. theyre literally just characters. i do agree with fundamental disagreements tho, but sending threats or trying to intimidate someone over a literal manhwa character is bogus. its never that serious frrr

    ihatevegies3 November 28, 2020 11:20 pm
    ok yeah that i can agree with. a lot of people are taking it too far. theyre literally just characters. i do agree with fundamental disagreements tho, but sending threats or trying to intimidate someone over a ... oliver

    Yeah, I don't think my original comment was very clear on the behavior I was talking about, so that's my fault. I just think that if a simple manhwa is causing you so much stress that you feel the need to tell ppl to kill themselves or say they support xyz, then you need to take a break because that's not normal.

    oliver November 29, 2020 12:27 am
    Yeah, I don't think my original comment was very clear on the behavior I was talking about, so that's my fault. I just think that if a simple manhwa is causing you so much stress that you feel the need to tell ... ihatevegies3

    No you're good, I jumped to conclusions ad well. But yeah, never is it that serious, and at that point people really needa step down and go back outside to the real world. I agree