Team Vasco November 28, 2020 12:57 am

I’m very happy the betta guy didn’t ignore What that person did to his friend and to another human being, I’m glad he didn’t just accepted it, I’m glad he walked away from a clearly toxic person and I really need that omega to suffer a little for a bit in order to give him time to actually regret his actions and seek for forgiveness.
The betta is the best Seme of the whole manga, from helping his omega friend to being a decent human being and standing against abuse/ abusers and/or abusive behavior.

    JayWaifu November 28, 2020 5:03 am

    He needs help. He has a mental illness.

    JayWaifu November 28, 2020 5:04 am

    I wish you guys would actually read

    Mad Hatter November 28, 2020 8:17 am
    He needs help. He has a mental illness. JayWaifu

    Yeah we know... that’s why he’s toxic and abusive... which means that it’s better if the beta stayed away from him cause the beta IS NOT a therapist. (I’ve replied to someone else about this before but the beta guy DOES NOT owe Chowon anything).
    However, they most likely will end up together in the end after Chowon gets his character development so y’all shouldn’t be so pressed.

    shinz November 28, 2020 12:04 pm
    He needs help. He has a mental illness. JayWaifu

    That doesn't mean the guy has to stick with him and ignore what he did. Chowoon himself isn't even willing to help himself so how can you expect a guy who barely knows him to?? I wish you would actually ready the story too:))

    Bananas November 28, 2020 2:21 pm
    He needs help. He has a mental illness. JayWaifu

    He needs help from a professional.
    To try and force people to stay in toxic relationship because “the other person needs help” is even more toxic and very harmful.

    JayWaifu November 29, 2020 2:27 am
    Yeah we know... that’s why he’s toxic and abusive... which means that it’s better if the beta stayed away from him cause the beta IS NOT a therapist. (I’ve replied to someone else about this before but ... Mad Hatter

    Okay he’s not a therapist so he shouldn’t help... REAL THERAPIST DONT HELP SOMETIMES!!!! Sometimes you need love which in the omegas case is what he needs since every time he tried for love it was taken from him and it’s insensitive to say something like that when you aren’t going through what he’s going thorough. I say speak for what you experience

    JayWaifu November 29, 2020 2:28 am
    He needs help from a professional. To try and force people to stay in toxic relationship because “the other person needs help” is even more toxic and very harmful. Bananas

    No one is forcing him to stay it just shows again YOU ARENT READING

    JayWaifu November 29, 2020 2:29 am
    That doesn't mean the guy has to stick with him and ignore what he did. Chowoon himself isn't even willing to help himself so how can you expect a guy who barely knows him to?? I wish you would actually ready t... shinz

    If he wasn’t willing to try to help himself he wouldn’t have overdosed or did you not see and read that either??

    JayWaifu November 29, 2020 2:32 am
    He needs help from a professional. To try and force people to stay in toxic relationship because “the other person needs help” is even more toxic and very harmful. Bananas

    And if you read his situation (which I’m sure you didn’t) then you would know the way hes acting is a clear sign of him BEING NEGLECTED!! Wanting to tie someone down is a HUGE sign of neglect and hurt. NOT SAYING WHAT HE IS DOING IS OKAY JUST UNDERSTAND WHERE HE IS COMING FROM

    shinz November 29, 2020 6:21 am
    No one is forcing him to stay it just shows again YOU ARENT READING JayWaifu

    I think op is talking about the people in the comments forcing him to stay just because the chowoon has mental illness and it seems to be getting better because of the guy lol

    shinz November 29, 2020 6:27 am
    If he wasn’t willing to try to help himself he wouldn’t have overdosed or did you not see and read that either?? JayWaifu

    Knowingly overdosing is not helping himself lol Chowoon knows that plus it was already when the guy left him. Also the fact that he just attend the appointment because it's mandatory while ignoring his therapist's advice and medication. He already got what he deserves for kidnapping Heesoo and he deserves a second chance but he needs to pick himself up first and the readers should not expect somebody else to do it for him.

    shinz November 29, 2020 6:30 am
    And if you read his situation (which I’m sure you didn’t) then you would know the way hes acting is a clear sign of him BEING NEGLECTED!! Wanting to tie someone down is a HUGE sign of neglect and hurt. NOT ... JayWaifu

    That's why we are saying he needs professional help ohmyg0d

    Bananas November 29, 2020 11:01 am
    No one is forcing him to stay it just shows again YOU ARENT READING JayWaifu

    We are reading this story too. We just don’t accept mental illness as an excuse to hurt other people. Chow is responsible for his own life, his own actions. And the beta really shouldn’t be forced to stay with someone who has kidnapped and hurt his friend, doesn’t regret it, and also scares him. To promote that is really messed up.

    Team Vasco November 29, 2020 6:06 pm
    We are reading this story too. We just don’t accept mental illness as an excuse to hurt other people. Chow is responsible for his own life, his own actions. And the beta really shouldn’t be forced to stay w... Bananas

    Agree, the whole comment is on point?

    Team Vasco November 29, 2020 6:09 pm
    He needs help. He has a mental illness. JayWaifu

    And? So does many people in this world, yet you don’t see adults paying people to kidnap, beat and maybe kill others due to it, and the ones who do need to go to jail.
    I don’t care about what he needs, his disease is an explanation not an excuse for the crime he committed and for being a shitty person.

    Team Vasco November 29, 2020 6:19 pm
    Okay he’s not a therapist so he shouldn’t help... REAL THERAPIST DONT HELP SOMETIMES!!!! Sometimes you need love which in the omegas case is what he needs since every time he tried for love it was taken fro... JayWaifu

    He is a criminal that belongs in jail, he needs to face the consequences of his actions, he is lucky he didn’t went in, if the therapist Is not helping him he needs to either switch therapists or get locked up on a mental facility because sociopaths lookalikes aren’t cute.

    The omega is obsessed and doesn’t want to let go of his resentment of his upbringing
    ?! and until he faces this and regrets his actions he is a danger to his ex and the ex partner, the therapy will never work until he admits he needs help and actually seek help. He’s only feeding into his own cancer and is not the beta’s job to deal with that walking mess.

    Of course since this is a manga we will have a happy ending but that doesn’t make him less shitty, until he actually regrets and apologizes he will remain shitty

    Team Vasco November 29, 2020 6:22 pm
    No one is forcing him to stay it just shows again YOU ARENT READING JayWaifu

    YOU are the one forcing your narrative that beta needs to stay so that omega can heal, YOU are forcing, your views are toxic and I do hope you actually READ this, because you are the only one who is lost on piece.

    Bananas November 29, 2020 7:03 pm
    He is a criminal that belongs in jail, he needs to face the consequences of his actions, he is lucky he didn’t went in, if the therapist Is not helping him he needs to either switch therapists or get locked u... Team Vasco
