Ugh Misaki annoys the hell out of me!

dontbelonghere July 15, 2015 3:02 am

I mean... C'mon! How about saying you love him back? I love this, but I was waiting he would be a bit more mature already and it's been ages since the manga started. Yes I know he is good and cares about him but is not enough even if it is to Akihiko because he never felt loved. And after EVERYTHING they already did, he could at least stop pretending he's not enjoying the sex. Stuff like "stop!" What are you doing" wait! " and after the typical denial he says" baka" or "stupid Akihiko " after so long... they really get old. and again, yes I know he was forced to have sex with Akihiko the first time and also was touched by him, without allow him to do so, but Misaki himself said to Akihiko later when he apologised to him for forcing him that It happened because he wanted and allowed that. So after that, Akihiko has been great. He cares about Misaki, even though he's possessive but he's always telling how important he is and showing his love to him. I'm myself a person who gets troubled when it comes to express your feelings but this is ridiculous. Ugh.

    Anonymous July 15, 2015 2:38 am

    If this was shoujo and Usagi was a girl Misaki would be considered a neglectful boyfriend. If I am honest I wouldn't have read this far. :p Perhaps that makes me a hypocrite. lol

    Corona July 15, 2015 2:52 am

    We should have a counter like they do in SIH to count the days until Romantica has some development or the days until Misaki puts on his big boy pants OR the days until they spill their secret to takahiro. Lol. This is why the other couples have nearly all of my devotion.

    dontbelonghere July 15, 2015 2:54 am
    If this was shoujo and Usagi was a girl Misaki would be considered a neglectful boyfriend. If I am honest I wouldn't have read this far. :p Perhaps that makes me a hypocrite. lol @Anonymous

    I feel ya! lol but I still I couldn't stop till the end

    dontbelonghere July 15, 2015 2:59 am
    If this was shoujo and Usagi was a girl Misaki would be considered a neglectful boyfriend. If I am honest I wouldn't have read this far. :p Perhaps that makes me a hypocrite. lol @Anonymous

    I meant "without allow him to do it" oops

    dontbelonghere July 15, 2015 3:04 am
    We should have a counter like they do in SIH to count the days until Romantica has some development or the days until Misaki puts on his big boy pants OR the days until they spill their secret to takahiro. Lol.... Corona

    Inr... But that's my only complaint tho

    haha so funny July 16, 2015 2:34 am

    I heard a saying that fools do nothing but complain. I have a suggestion for you. Why don't you just learn Japanese, then write a complaint about the romantica couple and send it to Nakamura. Because voicing your complaints here wouldn't change anything, and it's a total waste of time.

    dontbelonghere July 16, 2015 10:10 pm
    I heard a saying that fools do nothing but complain. I have a suggestion for you. Why don't you just learn Japanese, then write a complaint about the romantica couple and send it to Nakamura. Because voicing yo... @haha so funny

    I don't even care about your opinion lol just chill. It's a freaking COMMENT, geez

    J Unleashed July 16, 2015 10:20 pm
    I heard a saying that fools do nothing but complain. I have a suggestion for you. Why don't you just learn Japanese, then write a complaint about the romantica couple and send it to Nakamura. Because voicing yo... @haha so funny

    “Criticism is something we can avoid easily by saying nothing, doing nothing, and being nothing”

    -- Aristotle

    suzuki-san July 16, 2015 11:13 pm
    I don't even care about your opinion lol just chill. It's a freaking COMMENT, geez dontbelonghere

    If you don't care then why did you replied? Ooh, a tsundere :D

    haha so funny July 16, 2015 11:25 pm
    “Criticism is something we can avoid easily by saying nothing, doing nothing, and being nothing”-- Aristotle J Unleashed

    As if I'm the one who did this manga ;) tell that to Nakamura if she's disagrees with your letter, but don't forget to write it in Japanese. Yeah I know the importance of a "criticism" but it's just being at the wrong place and to the wrong person too xD

    J Unleashed July 17, 2015 1:35 am
    As if I'm the one who did this manga ;) tell that to Nakamura if she's disagrees with your letter, but don't forget to write it in Japanese. Yeah I know the importance of a "criticism" but it's just being at th... @haha so funny

    Lol... the OP was voicing a common frustration with this manga. Why can't they do that here? Most mangaka frustrate us on purpose (it keeps us reading because we know [hope] eventually something good is going to happen.) You can't expect people to NOT comment on it.

    Also, to say "if you don't like it, then learn Japanese and take your complaint to the mangaka" is an overreaction on your part.

    haha so funny July 17, 2015 2:57 am
    Lol... the OP was voicing a common frustration with this manga. Why can't they do that here? Most mangaka frustrate us on purpose (it keeps us reading because we know [hope] eventually something good is going t... J Unleashed

    Because I believe that is the only solution to her frustration ;) you know, you will never live happily in this world if you always complain about the things you don't like, because it's like you're the one who's bothering yourself with useless things that aren't meant to be taken seriously in the first place. Yeah, it's troubling you, but can you even do something about it anyway? Even Japanese people doesn't complain, they will say "shouganai" which means "it can't be helped" instead. To me, a solution is better than a complaint.

    dontbelonghere July 17, 2015 7:37 am
    Because I believe that is the only solution to her frustration ;) you know, you will never live happily in this world if you always complain about the things you don't like, because it's like you're the one who... @haha so funny

    Well, if that was a suggestion, fine. When I said I don't care Is because to me the things we should act on... Are seriously not here hun ;) But that's okay, giving your opinion is the purpose of ' leaving a comment', and that's what I did in the first place... People should stop making this something so troublesome ugh.
    PS. Because of my career, I already speak four languages and I have no interest in learning a new one , in case you insist on that. Have a nice day

    haha so funny July 17, 2015 8:45 am
    Well, if that was a suggestion, fine. When I said I don't care Is because to me the things we should act on... Are seriously not here hun ;) But that's okay, giving your opinion is the purpose of ' leaving... dontbelonghere

    Oh, I have another suggestion. Go and make a manga that will surpass nakamura's in terms of everything, with no single flaw at all and without anyone will hate it later then go to Japan and publish it. If it become the most popular yaoi manga ever, you earn my upmost respect.

    Anonymous July 17, 2015 8:52 am
    Because I believe that is the only solution to her frustration ;) you know, you will never live happily in this world if you always complain about the things you don't like, because it's like you're the one who... @haha so funny

    Nah. Sometimes its just fun to vent. Its not that srs. Contact her? You're trolling. Gotta be. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Anonymous July 17, 2015 8:55 am
    Oh, I have another suggestion. Go and make a manga that will surpass nakamura's in terms of everything, with no single flaw at all and without anyone will hate it later then go to Japan and publish it. If it be... @haha so funny

    Troll status: Confirmed.

    Move along ppl. Don't respond to him/her after this.