
Bumble Bee November 27, 2020 8:18 pm

Are the mermaids stupid asf or something? Like I don't think it's human intention to eat them LMFAO like no where near the masses goals. Weirdos will ofc wanna eat mermaids but not the masses. Has there never been attempted diplomacy? Do the mermaids not have weapons they can use to cut holes in nets? Humans over fish and pollute and do a whole bunch of horrible shit but like bro we don't wanna eat you there will be whole ass movements against that. And like if you know that we "hunt" you why do you not have watches set up and scouts alert people of incoming boats and shit. Like these mermaids really are dumb asf I swear there's soooo much that can be done that can change some of the things that have gone on in this manhwa

    Naynay October 29, 2023 10:25 am

    I was literally just checking out the latest chapters of dreaming freedom and stumbled upon this from the same author and omfg your comment has me weak asf lmfao

    Animexdaki November 28, 2023 12:23 am
    I was literally just checking out the latest chapters of dreaming freedom and stumbled upon this from the same author and omfg your comment has me weak asf lmfao Naynay

    Omg I did the same too. Lol