
danny November 27, 2020 3:12 am

i hate Jae-young now he knows his father is home and is drunk and he is sending him home just so he can fuck his boyfriend knowing damn well he will probably get beat. fuck you Jae-young no offence but take a lot of offence to that you are a shitty person for that.

    DMcKen November 27, 2020 11:20 am

    The little shit was blackmailing him. He knew homeboy was in the closet and threatened to out him. Do you know what that feels like? Might as well be a gun to the head.
    Wanna do grown up asshole shit? Then you lose the kid privilege.
    All sympathy evaporated as soon as he kept threatening to out him. Shit had me on edge and this is all fictional.

    DMcKen November 27, 2020 11:26 am
    The little shit was blackmailing him. He knew homeboy was in the closet and threatened to out him. Do you know what that feels like? Might as well be a gun to the head. Wanna do grown up asshole shit? Then you ... DMcKen

    Edit: I am in no way saying what the uke is doing is justified or ok. Just pointing out that the seme was also an assoholic little shit.

    danny November 27, 2020 4:06 pm
    Edit: I am in no way saying what the uke is doing is justified or ok. Just pointing out that the seme was also an assoholic little shit. DMcKen

    i tried to reply to my own comment saying that i hated the uke and seme and the other partner but yea i dont think any of this is right i even dropped this manga because of that.