wow the ending is trash

sotuhji November 26, 2020 3:50 pm

i cant believe after all the rollercoaster rides we’ve been put through that THIS was the suitable ending they thought was best for this story. like there’s so many things wrong here; the freaking stalker is getting away with it AND he gets to be with her?? chulsoo confessed to her, she didn’t give him an answer AND decides to move forward with all her subs including chulsoo when he’s seemingly uncomfortable in the situation?? what about the glasses guys feelings?? why would you send him a picture of his crush when that’s clearly not helpful at all since his crush doesn’t like him back?? why’re they all moving forward with a polyamorous relationship when they’re not on the same page?? how is she going around mishandling all the fragile and vulnerable concepts of bdsm with so many people?? bRUH
