Can anyone tell me the title of the shounen ai series about a high school boy who was oute...

Alexushi94 November 26, 2020 8:07 am

Can anyone tell me the title of the shounen ai series about a high school boy who was outed by his friends when they saw his search history on his phone. The boy ran away and met a lady I think her name was Anonymous. She brought her to some kind of house where a lot of LGBTQ+ friends hang out. I remember they were doing some rehabilitation projects where they fix houses in the area and their group is very infamous in the area.

The boy also has a crush who he eventually befriends but has some kind of internalized homophobia and end up hurting the MC and his other friends or something but he comes around by the end the MC and him looks like they have a more than friends not yet lovers relationship.

Hope someone can help me. I think I haven't put it in my manga list here.
