I agree, the teacher is horrible, he does need to be put in a mental institution to help him cope with whatever mental issue that he has. But, pardon me, your way of thinking isn't particurlarly fair. Who are you to judge those people? Who are you to play high and mighty and choose to generalize over everyone? You don't know what they've been through or how they ended up there. It's not that simple, it never was, and it never will be. If anything, they need help and guidance not more terrible things. Sexual assault or any kind of assault should never be promoted, accepted or used against anyone, be it human, animal or anything.

Right.... but there are those who are beyond help. So usually for people to actually commit really horrible crimes, that is due to their brain structure, some people are born with abnormal brains genetically, and that is something that is not easily changed, "helping" or "guiding" them as you mentioned probably wouldn't work. For them to "change their ways" just through "help and guidance", is most likely not enough, because the root of the problem is their mental cognition. people who become psychopaths have a certain part of their brain that is different, structurally. (i may be wrong, it might have been a structure of their brain that was missing, correct me if i'm wrong)
I don't understand what you mean by "genelarize over everyone" or me being "high and mighty" - you just did what you accused me of, you just judged me without even knowing me? and dramatized and exaggerated what i said. I am sure i mentioned that only those who have done something terrible, maybe those with the death sentence, should be mentally traumatized (mentally fucked), because i am sure they deserve it. Plus, even if i don't know, nor care what those people have gone through, what they did to warrant them jail time, would have probably caused the same amount or more trauma to their victims and the victims family.And correct me if i'm wrong, but i think that once you go into jail, i think you lose your human rights, no? (i'm sure i heard that somewhere)
Lastly, i don't think the sensei would get better in a mental institute as you mentioned, i think it is too late a stage for him. BUT the "help and guidence" that you mentioned would be much more efficient in the prevention of people becoming like the sensei, if they are spotted and treated early that is. But yea, usually people like sensei enjoy what they do, so its not easy to change those types of behaviours. because they are positively reinforced by their own actions they perform to find satisfaction.
phew, if you got to the end, then good, and i hope you calmed down too :)

Yes, I got to end, for that wasn't long, you were pretty concise. As opposed to my following rant :)) Feel free to ignore it, it's gonna be a looooong bore.
First, I apologise for my lack of clarity, I'll try to be more clear this time. Not guaranteeing I'll make it, but still.
By "generalize over everyone" , I mean you treat all people who've reached prison the same, though their situations are far from similar. Even if you are just referring to those on death penalty, you treat them all as non-human. From my perspective, most of them reached that place because of all the experiences they have gone through. (I use experinces in the wide sense here) True, there are some that are born differently or because of some sort of physical trauma on their brain became different, and they need to be constantly controlled and guided, I agree with you on that, for it is unsafe both for them and the people surrounding them to let them run free. But I still don't think they deserve what you think they should be getting.
In the case of manga's character, I don't think he should be let free, but that he should be helped and controlled in a mental institution that does not treat him as human shit, but as an very, very ill human being. HUMAN being. So I suggest to go both for treatment for people already ill AND prevention so that others don't become like them.
I highly disagree with you on the "i think that once you go into jail, i think you lose your human rights" , plus "because i am sure they deserve it" parts. I say you asume a "high and mighy" place precisely because of that way of thinking. By they way you judge them, you - probably without realising it - assume a place that is above them, but on what grounds? You have no way of knowing what life has in store for you. Not all psychopaths are born, some, if not most of them, are made. Most of the times because of this fucked up society in which we all live in. Speaking of society, when authorities decide to put people to death they do the same. Yes, the culprits are dreadful and they have killed and did all sorts of atrocities, but by putting them to death, authorities do the same thing, they kill a human being, which to me is equally dreadful. The way I see it, it is human beings judging and killing other human beings. And as a fellow human being, I think one has no right to judge or decide when or how other's life should be ended, especially because authorities and "normal" people are supposed to be capable of rationality and objectivity, as opposed to crazy folks. I think they should be rational enough to put them in institutions and to treat them and even if they lock them up for good make so that they still do something useful for the society and for themselves, while still being treated as humans. See the Norwegian system for example.
But then again, that's just me. Not to say I'm better of myself, I am as bad because I judged you in the same way you judged them without knowing you, thus asuming a place above you. Which I have absolutely no right to claim. Some people are just like that, I guess? Can't say for sure. I am sorry, I don't have anything against you, it's just that your comment was the first thing I saw when I finished the chapter, causing me to furrow my brows uncontrollably. And I don't think I dramatized or exaggerated what you've said, and if you still think I did, then I guess I'm a drama queen :)
You've actually reached the end? Well, then I tip my hat to your endurance! I'm surprised it got so long. On a manga hosting website, that is...... (⊙…⊙ )

haha to be honest, i did get to the end, but that was after skipping a few sentences that seemed repetitive to me xD
oh, i totally agree with what you said about experience being a factor.
but just like how you disagree with my views, i have to say, i feel the same, our views are so different. But you're sort of right about me not seeing some prisoners as human. I mean to me, once someone does something so disgusting, like continuous rape and murder, they just no longer seem human to me. I don't think they deserve any sort of kindness from anyone, and don't deserve any form of happiness, and should just surrender their life.
Ah, but i don't judge people from a high and mighty stand point. I don't feel like a more higher human being then them. when i judge someone, its not from a sense of superiority, its more like just comparing them to exemplars i have from experience.
haaaaah~ but i am glad you're more level headed than i thought, because to me, the tone from your first reply was pretty, hmmm, aggressive? but now i know why. i thought your reply would have been more like the previous. hahaha and honestly, i feel like we could be friends even with such different views. well it is probably just me feeling this way though xD

I promise it won't be as long this time! :P
Well I feel this has reached a "let's agree to disagree" point. But that's ok, because contradictory disscusions are good, that's how progress is made. ^_^
About repetitiveness and aggressiveness, well, I am not clear or concise and most of the time I'm perceived as aggressive when I don't mean to be probably because of that. Once again I apologize for that. Trouble is I realise it only after I've done the deed, which is kind of terrible. But I'm working on it! (Or so I like to think...)
About the high and mighty part, maybe my words were to strong for you, but that's how it seems to me and that's how I feel I do without realizing it, but I can't help but compare people. Here again I'm unfair because I project my way of viewing things on you, which is not ok. But, again, I'm working on it!
Anyway, this has been an interesting exchange of ideas so I agree with you on the last part. ^_^
I think this teacher is in the wrong line of work, he should work at a prison or something. Where he can mentally fuck all the people he desires, i mean he should use his manipulative skills on people who deserve to be mentally scarred, not on children! geeze, this sensei >_> (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸