you're not alone TT__TT
I'm trying my best to understand everything but each sentence and word after word doesn't make sense and most of the time there a words in the sentences that are way off so I could'nt understand what they are talking about. It's like I'm reading english but feels like its a different language coz I don't understand.
I'm trying to be grateful to the translators since I am reading this for free but it looks to me as if these are just a bunch of random words put together to form a single sentence. And I can't follow the story anymore.. I am waiting for the updates but it seems that I'll be dropping this for real now coz it doesn't make sense to continue if I am not understanding anything anymore. Sorry

This will be the 3rd story I’m dropping because of these crappy S2 whatthehellever so-called “translation” group. And NO I don’t appreciate any of this. They snipe stories from REAL translators, you know....the ones that don’t stick it in google and call it a day. Once it’s sniped, the decent translators usually drop it. I’d rather wait months for one freaking chapter that makes sense then have these clowns put up nonsense.
Probably gonna drop this till a better translation comes out..... I love this series sm but I legit cannot understand what's going on anymore cause of the translation.
I'm trying to be grateful but it's kinda hard to when you literally cannot understand what they're saying or who they're talking to or what they're talking too....