I cant really remeber it was 8 years ago and thers like two of em sort of one was I think woth some long ramese type sht other was twins another was swords these 3 where really good and I get them mixed up and cant for the life of me remeber them cause its been so long but i think called they where called basara, red river amd I cant really remeber the other one or if it's only these two I read these a long time ago. I vaguely remeber plus they where really long
Okay but low-key the enemy king is who im going for like I domt care at this point. Fck kris though f him to hell. I meam sliver haird baby though is cute and I wish she went with him. But like I really want to see her go for the enemy blonde king hoebag. Like he kidnaps her war breaks out he starts catching feels then she stabs him as Kris "fake" dies on the battlefield. Wait nm this is a plot ive read before from a different manga I love it doesnt have to happen here but man I wish
Anyway time to suffer wishing I could hit a fictional charater some more(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜