
Sawa-san is already giving a hint to Uke here that they are in a relationship but the Uke did not even confront Seme and bring some senses to him. He just continue being a damsel in destress.
So I take back what I said that Uke is not at fault. Both of them are. How can 1 person be blame in a relationship when it contains 2 -_-
I hate this, Uke is not really at fault but as I've read the sequel don't they feel guilty for what they did to Sawa-san? Even if Uke is not aware he is the third party this is still not likeable for me.
I can't bring myself to like or understand this couple. Is the Uke even sure the Seme will not do to him what he did to Sawa-san? When Sawa-san came back he is still seeing Seme cheater while that cheater is keeping the Uke at home how Trash is this!!!!