lets look at this from a proper experimental value. its a psychological experiment that focuses on brain activity and social relationships.
safe word and proper debriefing. though the experimenters did brief the participants properly (not giving away the aim of the study to not create any demand characteristics) there should've been a safe word or something so that participants could show their reluctance or refusal.
this may result into participants backing out quickly however this creates an urealistic approach of the situation. considering how unrealistic the situation is outside of a bdsm scene that lacked aftercare or consent, the data is not ecologically valid.
since we dont see anything after the 3rd day, we dont know if the participants were debriefed or not. but i highly suspect they werent. debriefing is when the experimenters reveal the true aim of the study after the aforementioned time period. this debriefing period would also mean that the experiment do the 'aftercare' portion, assuring all aspect of health be OK as to not harm the individuals.
but hey its fictional, its not meant to be realistic. im just nitpicking lolol
lets look at this from a proper experimental value. its a psychological experiment that focuses on brain activity and social relationships.
safe word and proper debriefing. though the experimenters did brief the participants properly (not giving away the aim of the study to not create any demand characteristics) there should've been a safe word or something so that participants could show their reluctance or refusal.
this may result into participants backing out quickly however this creates an urealistic approach of the situation. considering how unrealistic the situation is outside of a bdsm scene that lacked aftercare or consent, the data is not ecologically valid.
since we dont see anything after the 3rd day, we dont know if the participants were debriefed or not. but i highly suspect they werent. debriefing is when the experimenters reveal the true aim of the study after the aforementioned time period. this debriefing period would also mean that the experiment do the 'aftercare' portion, assuring all aspect of health be OK as to not harm the individuals.
but hey its fictional, its not meant to be realistic. im just nitpicking lolol