* sobs *

123beepbeep November 24, 2020 5:37 pm

they seem so lively and hopeful, seriously i envy them, with covid, online school and being rejected from a "prestigious school" this year has been a tad bit hard on my mental health, ahhh to be young and in love (tho im only in my 3rd year of hs too lmao but i feel like I've failed in life .. excuse me rambling...) So! Anyways this is a solid 5 !

    huehuehue November 27, 2020 7:47 pm

    dear you didnt fail! life has other plans for you, please hang in there! I hope and wish that soon you'll feel better and that lots of good thing will happen to you!

    5amregret November 29, 2020 5:23 am

    Im a sophomore in college right now, and I just want to say there’s no one path in life. I’m about to transfer from community college, and then after undergrad hopefully go teach in japan! The world is so big, and highschool is really only the start of it. You’re going to change so much, and I wish for the best for you!!

    123beepbeep November 29, 2020 11:09 am
    dear you didnt fail! life has other plans for you, please hang in there! I hope and wish that soon you'll feel better and that lots of good thing will happen to you! huehuehue

    Thank you so much, i hope you're doing fine too !

    123beepbeep November 29, 2020 11:10 am
    Im a sophomore in college right now, and I just want to say there’s no one path in life. I’m about to transfer from community college, and then after undergrad hopefully go teach in japan! The world is so b... 5amregret

    Thank you this means a lot, best wishes to you and your future too!