I'm sorry ┗( T﹏T )┛

{~BL~}♡reader♡ November 24, 2020 2:49 pm

I thought Ray/Sunny was Sun at first ( ̄∇ ̄")
Like I was so angry when I thought that was Sun so thanks for saying that that was Ray cuz I was ready to scream ╥﹏╥

    Sevenzeroseven February 27, 2021 2:15 am

    I'm confuse too. So is Ray not the toxic one? 'Cause it's the only way keeping me from reading this lol

    idkwhatimdoinghere July 8, 2021 3:48 pm
    I'm confuse too. So is Ray not the toxic one? 'Cause it's the only way keeping me from reading this lol Sevenzeroseven

    nopel. ray is 1st season. sun is 2nd season and is the toxic one