DG'sButtIsSmootherThanYourFace November 24, 2020 12:32 pm

While everyone is busy saying that Cain is sus, there's actually something everyone kinda didn't see. There's two things he can mean when he said "I lied to you"

1. He lied about him pretending to be someone by acting innocent and adorable.
(Almost everyone thought of this and sussing him lol)


2. He lied about the house thing, he intentionally went to a shady place so that Jooin would feel bad for him and let him stay in his house. Note: He said, "I was hoping you'd s-" so it's pretty much what he planned.
(Still a lil sus but hey, atleast he's not pretending to be someone he's not, right? I just wanted Cain's puppy-like to be genuine T__T)

    nisabelッ♡ November 24, 2020 12:33 pm

    i meant to upvote! thats exactly what i was thinking...

    nisabelッ♡ November 24, 2020 12:49 pm
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    oh, when did it show that he had bodyguards?

    nisabelッ♡ November 24, 2020 8:25 pm
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    oh shoot, i thought those were his brothers since he addressed them as hyungs, but then again, you can also call an older male hyung even if theyre not related ;;

    nisabelッ♡ November 24, 2020 9:15 pm
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    i reread the chapter and there’s a guy in a blue hoodie