Hello. This is 217.

217 July 9, 2015 5:45 am

What do you guys think happened at the end? Suicide or accident?

In my perspective, I think he did kill himself. At the end where he smiled, it killed me so much inside. My thoughts are that he killed himself because there were no more boarders between them and their relationship. He thinks that he achieved the happiness he always wanted and hid, and wanted to end it that way. He probably knew that if something didn't change, society wouldn't look at them the same. I don't know how to quite explain it, but yea. (AND CAN WE JUST LOOK BACK TO WHERE THAT homeless man went "I knew it would turn out this way?" The powers of foreshadowing has never been so strong.)

The expression he had before he got hit by the truck just struck me in the chest so hard. At that point, I just went "Oh my god."
I think what I'm trying to say is that it portrays the thought of "dying while being in true happiness," and his expression expressed it so much. That look of "I love you." MAY SOUND CHEESY BUT HEY. No more regrets, no more burden. Only the fact that everything's now okay.

I don't know. His expression just spoke so much, but can't be explained.

    oh man July 9, 2015 5:50 am


    Yes he commited suicide. It's what's very sad about it. He obviously thought everything through even writing a suicide note and leaving a will for Takezou. :'( I still cant get over it. He finally admitted he loves Takezou but it's too late. T.T sniffssniffs

    217 July 9, 2015 6:08 am
    SPOILERSYes he commited suicide. It's what's very sad about it. He obviously thought everything through even writing a suicide note and leaving a will for Takezou. :'( I still cant get over it. He finally admit... @oh man


    Actually, he didn't write a suicide note. He wrote a note, but it wasn't indicating anything and then he wrote that letter to his wife. He actually didn't admit that he loves Takezou, and Takezou only found out after his death when he received the letter.

    lyjii July 9, 2015 6:31 am

    suicide definitely - takezous anguish over it as he converses too (page 33 is the strongest indicator) as well as shinobus smile. Not to mention the slow step in front of the truck. Knowing his instability all long as well I find it hard to believe that, with someone like nakamura asumiko behind the writing, his death would end up so indiscriminate and with such seemingly odd timing.

    lyjii July 9, 2015 6:34 am

    and on all accounts i completely agree with what youre saying. the ending was so, so heartbreaking and i couldnt stop crying and rereading the last chapter as i tried to reason with shinobus intent and movements throughout the pages. i didnt think id end up so hurt by the end ;--;;

    217 July 9, 2015 7:26 am
    and on all accounts i completely agree with what youre saying. the ending was so, so heartbreaking and i couldnt stop crying and rereading the last chapter as i tried to reason with shinobus intent and movement... lyjii

    The first time I read this, I was crushed and I was down for the next few days. Since I have been following Nakamura's work, especially this and Copernicus, this was a huge blow to me. I probably read this manga 10 or more times.
    The thing that makes it so enticing is the development you get to witness through the chapters and how it actually ended. When I first began this manga, I thought that they would end up together. Having fought through their differences and hardships. I would have never expected something like this. Nevertheless, this is one of my favorite mangas of all time.

    Anonymous July 9, 2015 11:19 am
    SPOILERS ALSO.Actually, he didn't write a suicide note. He wrote a note, but it wasn't indicating anything and then he wrote that letter to his wife. He actually didn't admit that he loves Takezou, and Takezou ... 217

    Yeah that's why it's too late because he already admitted to himself that he loves him but never gave himself a chance to confess to takezou. That note can also be described as suicide note actually because he knew exactly what he's about to do after that. He repeatedly say it will be their last time/moment.

    lyjii July 10, 2015 12:28 am
    Yeah that's why it's too late because he already admitted to himself that he loves him but never gave himself a chance to confess to takezou. That note can also be described as suicide note actually because he ... @Anonymous

    i agree especially because shinobu keeps mentioning the last time. He was so dead set on it from the start and as things kept unfolding I think he felt it was appropriate to end everything on a good (?) note