bro idek at this point the plot is nothing else but rape. like im not even a person that g...

diadia November 24, 2020 5:53 am

bro idek at this point the plot is nothing else but rape. like im not even a person that gets triggered but this is just some straight bs. the storyline is asss. bye im out

    Quicksilver November 25, 2020 7:38 am
    I like this story. Renai Fuyuki Todoki has also been a favorite since it came out. I don't care if someone else is sensitive. I have something to say. If I dilute it and nice it up it will lose all meaning.... Quicksilver

    I like cunt boy manga, too, and tentacles, and large insertions. I guess that makes me a large insertions apologist.

    Quicksilver November 25, 2020 7:47 am
    I like this story. Renai Fuyuki Todoki has also been a favorite since it came out. I don't care if someone else is sensitive. I have something to say. If I dilute it and nice it up it will lose all meaning.... Quicksilver

    I'm also a frog apologist. lmao. cuz I like those manga about girls having rapey sex with frogs. bahahah I like the artist Futa Hoshino. she's gotta fall under the shota category, but her stuff is just good erotic art as far as I'm concerned.

    Quicksilver November 25, 2020 7:48 am
    I like this story. Renai Fuyuki Todoki has also been a favorite since it came out. I don't care if someone else is sensitive. I have something to say. If I dilute it and nice it up it will lose all meaning.... Quicksilver

    deal with this shlt already. LMAOILC

    diadia November 25, 2020 8:14 am
    well, f*ck. that's it after all that shlt I said? You were all up in my ass a while ago. You sure I'm not still that rape obsessed perverted bastard who lives to promote rape rape rape? LOL. What about you... Quicksilver

    the only reason y i was arguing with on this matter was bc i thought u have rape fetish. and i was wrong. so y would i say anything else when there isnt anything to add

    diadia November 25, 2020 8:50 am
    rape scenes turn a lot of people on. A lot of stuff turns me on. seduction. explicit sex. really turned-on looking characters. Big semes paired with little ukes. Pushy semes I like. The one in Lost Virgi... Quicksilver

    ur going on and on abt ur sexual desires. however, do understand that im all for respecting authors’ hard work and refraining from telling them to change their stories bc some cannot handle it. and neither have i never said anything abt « romanticize rape » like i’ve previously stated, i simply do not agree with plp who defend rape, ilr or fictional. let me clarify this, its not that i do not support an author’s work. rather, plp who think rape (as a whole, irl and in fictions) is excusable simply bc the other party’s body had a reaction. now, i do not understand y u cannot leave the readers have an opinion on stories. most of them aren’t threatening the writer into changing their storyline. from what i’ve seen, they’re just giving their personal opinions on written work. nobody is going to like the same things, thats just how it is. some dont like gore, some dont like fluffy, and some dont like a relationship where there is no consent, and ect... also when i said « darker side » i meant anything that could be triggering for plp. well, i obv used the wrong term to express my thought. lastly, i personally do not have a problem with rape being a factor in stories. i have read multiple authors’ work that contain rape. however, most of them were well written (personal opinion). on the other hand, « put a smile on » does not have a strong storyline (personal opnion). i do want to ask u this, what r the factors that make u believe « put a smile on » is well written? this isnt to argue, just want to change my mindset of this story and possibly continuing reading it.

    diadia November 25, 2020 8:55 am
    well, f*ck. that's it after all that shlt I said? You were all up in my ass a while ago. You sure I'm not still that rape obsessed perverted bastard who lives to promote rape rape rape? LOL. What about you... Quicksilver

    nobody talks behind ur back. and i havent done anything fucked up for plp go talk behind my back.

    Quicksilver November 25, 2020 1:13 pm

    teah, I know. How would that even happen? lol bye

    Quicksilver November 25, 2020 1:39 pm

    you think these are my only issues? "threatening the writer into changing their storyline." No. How the fck can you talk about not "supporting" rape in fiction???????????? The MAIN reason public awareness rose and you and your baby friends are getting better help around the problem is because in the media, there were television shows that demonstrated how bad rape is by having a show where a woman was raped and graphically depicted what she went through. Rape is an important construct for social change, and goddammit wtf is wrong with you people saying "I'm a little baby who is going to include fictional rape right beside rl rape as something that shouldn't be "supported." omg. screw you. Why don't you and your little friends ever think anything through before you start squealing? It's also free speech, so go fuck yourself. You should be saying "I support rape in fiction, and I support the BASIC HUMAN RIGHT to freedom of speech and expression." It's important. Unless you enjoy oppression. Oh wait, you've never experienced real oppression. Maybe you should stfu and look back through the lessons of history before you're "not supporting fictional rape."
    --Screw their triggers! The world doesn't revolve around them, and you might as well say, "We want spoilers everywhere because we think everyone should flex for us babies." I hate spoilers. Lezhin put this bigass trigger warning on ONE chapter in their chapter listing so you couldn't even avoid seeing it. In the list, not at the beginning of the physical chapter. IN THE GODDAMN LIST. Might as well say, "Here's where lovemaking happens. heres where the sex is." Fucking monsters. The entire adult section you can expect some sex, you don't have a right to spoil stories just because you want your way - which brings me to this: these people are so badly spoiled that they think they have a right to encroach on other people's rights. Dammit. did you even read a single word I said before?

    Quicksilver November 25, 2020 1:51 pm

    that's hilarious "someone's body might have a reaction." LMAO The priority is to preserve our PRECIOUS RIGHT to freedom of speech, not freedom to prohibit free speech because someone's body MIGHT react.... omg. think something through for a change. Again, history, prohibiting free speech because "lol someone's body... blah blah blah" is the beginning of a movement like nazism. doing it one area is like opening the door to all kinds of free speech being prohibited for a stupid reason like "someone's body...." it's so nauseating I don't even want to type the phrase out again. No one gets to be coddled in the interest of suppression of other people's rights, including free speech. Unless you like people having their tongues torn out for saying the wrong thing that some government doesn't like.
    I'm starting to hate your guts

    Quicksilver November 25, 2020 1:59 pm

    they can have their opinions that are so wrongheaded that they might as well be saying, "violence in the streets is okay as long as someone is suspected of doing a bad thing" I can beat them over the head for their stupid opinions held by a mob of people who are trying to make the stupidest, most damaging changes to society... to erode our free society. "Let them have their opinions" I can't stop them from having their opinion, no matter how stupid it is. It is physically impossible in this venue

    Quicksilver November 25, 2020 2:08 pm

    "well written" isn't all there is to it. I'm sure you know that. I like the art especially. Mainly I like it because it's so different. You can see how different it is, right? and it's so unapologetic. The rape is right there, and it's beautifully shown. that amuses the shlt out of me, and a good part of that is that I cannot abide people yelling their heads off about how bad it is to show rape in fiction. I'm sick to death of it. A lot of us are.

    Quicksilver November 25, 2020 3:20 pm

    all right. I aapologize for saying I hate you, and I know I'm overreacting and even that I said things that you didn't even give me reason to. I'm not stupid, you know.

    diadia November 25, 2020 5:04 pm
    that's hilarious "someone's body might have a reaction." LMAO The priority is to preserve our PRECIOUS RIGHT to freedom of speech, not freedom to prohibit free speech because someone's body MIGHT react.... om... Quicksilver

    gosh, yes yes precious freedom of speech. write all u want and however u want. i dont recall myself telling anyone to change their story bc i personally didnt enjoy it? im not sure what ur trying to say with « someone’s body..blabla », ill just say it again. when an individual’s body has a reaction to a wrongdoing, it does not become a factor that is able to change the SITUATION. it does not cancel out the rape. and honestly dude u keep going on and on, when i’ve told u 3 posts back that i understood what ur saying and i agree with u abt respecting authors’ work. and yes i did leave a comment on « put a smile on » saying that i do not wish to continue reading it. u like to talk abt freedom of speech, so does that not count as freedom of speech?

    diadia November 25, 2020 5:05 pm
    you think these are my only issues? "threatening the writer into changing their storyline." No. How the fck can you talk about not "supporting" rape in fiction???????????? The MAIN reason public awareness ro... Quicksilver

    unbelievable, im not sure how many times i have to repeat myself for u to understand. i PERSONALLY do not support rape as a WHOLE. like ive said, i do not PERSONALLY care if rape is present in a story. now i do not know who rose is, nor who my « baby » friends r. i just replied to u bc u commented under my post. its as simple as that. u did quote « im a little baby who is going to include fictional rape right beside rl rape as something that shouldn’t be supported » y the hell would anyone support rl rape? no seriously, u make it sound like plp who believe that r the sick ones. and its not a matter of « supporting » fictional rape. now y the hell am i gonna support rl life rape. this is getting worse and worse. ig ur way of thinking connects RAPE to HUMAN RIGHTS. oppression this oppression that. go back and have history lessons. and then u now u wanna talk abt how there shouldnt spoilers. wtv dude, if we go on we’re gonna end up talking abt mf trees. and yes i have read every single thing u’ve said. and i did my best to answer each section.

    diadia November 25, 2020 5:07 pm
    all right. I aapologize for saying I hate you, and I know I'm overreacting and even that I said things that you didn't even give me reason to. I'm not stupid, you know. Quicksilver

    alright, u dont have to answer to the other 2. u can if u want, but im most likely not going to reply. just wanna give u a heads up

    diadia November 25, 2020 5:10 pm
    unbelievable, im not sure how many times i have to repeat myself for u to understand. i PERSONALLY do not support rape as a WHOLE. like ive said, i do not PERSONALLY care if rape is present in a story. now i do... diadia

    woops, the middle is kinda confusing bc i repeated myself

    Quicksilver November 25, 2020 6:37 pm
    gosh, yes yes precious freedom of speech. write all u want and however u want. i dont recall myself telling anyone to change their story bc i personally didnt enjoy it? im not sure what ur trying to say with «... diadia

    of course it counts as free speech, diadia, but it's a two way street, which I'm sure you know. Someone's bodily reaction comes as a low low priority. Freedom is first, of course. They can react internally any way they want, but they can't demand all of us change because something hurts their feelings or offends them.
    Within the law you have a right to say whatever you want. Being able to say whatever you want without having to worry about other people's reactions - you don't have that right.
    You don't have a right to protection from hearing things that hurt and upset you. U kidding? People say horrible things that offend me all the time. LOL
    You don't have a right to feel safe, except in your own house. People who would choose safety over freedom don't deserve either safety or freedom. thank you Thomas Jefferson for the quote.
    These are basic rights of a free society. Do you see why people who are older than you, and I'm only a little older, are infuriated by an entire age group trying to force things they are not entitled to. That they're starting to get some of these demands met is wrong and dangerous and angering to people who know from past history that these demands of an age group who hasn't even lived yet are wrong, a threat, and dangerous.

    Quicksilver November 25, 2020 6:43 pm

    including fictional rape right beside rl rape as both being something that shouldn’t be supported is dead wrong. pardon me if I said something that caused a misunderstanding. rl rape is wrong. fictional rape is an important right. it's free speech

    Quicksilver November 25, 2020 7:25 pm

    It's fine if you don't answer. Lot's of people read comment sections. speaking with you has been very pleasant for me. I like it when someone challenges me. I won't apologize for my insane posts last night. It was not my fault because I hadn't yet meditated. LMAO. JK. I'm referring to revealing my perverted nonsense only. LOL

    Quicksilver November 25, 2020 7:33 pm

    I was referring to a groundbreaking show. I was too young to see the original broadcast, which was like the 70 or 60's. I'm talking about one show. This tv show demonstrated how bad rape is by having a drama where a woman was raped and graphically depicted what she went through. It did a lot to raise awareness. I wonder if anyone knows of this show. Here's a hint: the victim was a witch. LOL if anyone gets it I'll be shocked.