ci nian has a womb because he is neither female nor male (that’s why in the beginning he referred to himself as a monster several times). he and qu cheng have a child since they had drunk sex the day before ci nian got released
ci nian has a womb because he is neither female nor male (that’s why in the beginning he referred to himself as a monster several times). he and qu cheng have a child since they had drunk sex the day before c... renebaeng
OHH ! ok that makes sense because i was like huh whys his dad bashing him so hard and saying this and that for just being gay but he was just talking about him being neither... ok that makes sense :3 thank you
OHH ! ok that makes sense because i was like huh whys his dad bashing him so hard and saying this and that for just being gay but he was just talking about him being neither... ok that makes sense :3 thank you Noya
ci nian has a womb because he is neither female nor male (that’s why in the beginning he referred to himself as a monster several times). he and qu cheng have a child since they had drunk sex the day before c... renebaeng
omg ty for this, I was wondering why he was so shocked over this fact? Because it’s very common for cultural Asian families to call their sons who are gay insults and such.
Wait im kinda confused ?? is this abo ? how does he have a child ? and does it relate to the dad talking about him having a womb??