So, like, let's take a look into the blond psycho modus operanti. Like, I used to feel a l...

OtakuLife121 November 23, 2020 10:41 pm

So, like, let's take a look into the blond psycho modus operanti. Like, I used to feel a least a little bit of fear when he started showing psycho tendencies, but, now, really bro? Don't get me wrong, I don't like the guy at all, but I can't even respect him as a well-made villian, because he just keeps revealing himself just to crush this petty and patethic necessity of feeling superior. What kind of criminal master mind are you? If he hadn't said anything, there wouldn't be the amount of suspicions that they have now. I think everything would have been better if the blond was a A+ manipulator. Most of the suspicions could have gone to the chairman (the old guy), and the blond would have had the others and us in a "Idk if I can't trust him, but he seems ok? But no, but yes? But–" dilemma. We obviously would have had suspicions on our own, but there would have been a mysterious aspect, and a better constructed character.

    Skim November 24, 2020 12:32 am

    I think they have him taunt pple because most psychopaths have narcissistic tendencies or a god complex. That's why they usually don't feel any true remorse for their actions because they feel justified in doing whatever they're doing...