It has to be said

Pring November 23, 2020 4:25 pm

1. Stop painting Joowon as the devil incarnate and Taku as this poor angel who got the short end of the stick. All of them had flaws, stop looking at characters through rose-tinted glasses. Joowon was aggressive (manhandling and pushing haesoo at times), selfish and can be trapped in his own head and hus owb feelings not caring about others, and straight up shit at communicating, Haesoo was selfish and preferred lying through his teeth to save his pride and himself than admit his feelings another person who is shit at communicating, Taku has shown that he can be manipulative, lie, and pressure a person for the sole reason that he loves him. Toxic traits? yes. And all of then have it. Get that in your head.

2. If you hate step siblings getting together then this aint for you. Frankly, I don't see what the issue with this is. I don't hate it nor do I like it. If they weren't brought up as siblings as kids, if they weren't conditioned since childhood to see each other as siblings, I don't see why it's an issue. But hey, if that aint for you then don't read it, nobody is forcing you at gun point to read the story and spew hate on it bec it is depicting a trope/dynamic you don't like.

3. Stop hating on Haesoo and saying that he led Taku on. Are we even reading the same manhwa at this point? Or are yall just great at filtering the things you read to support your narrative? Taku has been chasing Haesoo and pressuring him to be in a relationship with him. Yes they used each other for selfish reasons, but I don't see people calling out Taku for that. But I see a lot of people, here and on socmed hating on Haesoo and painting him as someone who used Taku when we can clearly see form the manhwa that it was Taku who pressured Haesoo to give him and them a chance. It was even a 1 month trial period for gods sake... meaning it was obvious that it could end either with them together or them not working out. It's not the writer nor the characters fault you were thinking that was an indication of them being end game.

4. Stop hating on the author and on the story painting it as another story tht glorifies toxic relationships. If that's what you got from this bec your ship didn't sail, that's on you. Don't discredit the whole plot and character development and make it out into some trash story bec you didn't like the ending. This story showed us three flawed characters and how they perceived love, loving someone, and being loved by someone. Yes, it was messed up, and it was definitely a darker read during the first chunk of the story. HOWEVER, it did show us how the characters evolved through out the storyline. We see them grow and develop to who they are now. And although they aren't anywhere near perfect, the author did do a good job of showing their character development and giving them redemption arcs to show us how they have changed and how they have faced their mistakes and taken responsibility for it (esp on Joowon's part).

5. I feel sorry for Taku, HOWEVER, its pretty clear he knew what he was signing up for. He was the one who kept on chasing and pressuring Haesoo. You don't make a person fall in love with you by pressuring them or pushing yourself unto them, esp when they are still clearly not over the person they've loved for more than a decade. Added to that, we all know Haesoo and Joowon has such a messy history and relationship and never got closure. But I do hope he gets his happy ending. Now that he knows what its like to fall in love, I hope he treats his relationships better than he used to and also I hope that whoever he chooses to love the next time around will love him as well bec he does deserve it.

6. All the characters deserve their happy ending, they all deserve to be happy no matter who its with. And that depends on the author not you.

7. It's important to remember that all of you are reading this for free, meaning you arent even helping the creator monetarily by buying her works, the least you can do is be mature enough to drop the story if it aint going the way you want but also not tainting it and painting it in a bad light for those who are just starting to read it. Make the new readers see for themselves and form their own perception of the manhwa by reading it not have them form their perception based on your bias commentaries.

Lastly, if you're throwing the word toxic bec your ship didn't sail then drop the manhwa. Stop being petty. boohoohoo your ship didnt sail, thats the thing with love triangles sweetie, not everyone gets the girl or the guy. We've all experienced that but we thats not a green loght to throw hate on the manhwa or the writer just bec our ship wasnt end game.

damn felt good to get that off bec im so tired of all the hate ive seen from both here and on twitter ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Wishy-washy November 23, 2020 3:16 pm

    "Joowon was manipulative and abusive"
    Wait hold up uhhhhh WHAT??? Where did you even get that from? Like I agree 100% with everything else you said but that one is just laughable, the latter trait proposed in that argument especially. Yes he was shit at communicating but when was he ever manipulative or, hell, abusive toward Haesoo like you claimed him to have been? Please elaborate bcs I really can't see it. But other than that again I agree 100% with you and 10/10 stan you for calling out those toxic crybaby Taku stans who are so butthurt about their ship not sailing and rude to the author for that

    Pring November 23, 2020 4:23 pm
    "Joowon was manipulative and abusive"Wait hold up uhhhhh WHAT??? Where did you even get that from? Like I agree 100% with everything else you said but that one is just laughable, the latter trait proposed in th... Wishy-washy

    its what people have said and i agree that the wording is too much. i guess when they say abusive it could be the way he manhandles him and stuff? though now that i've actually calmed down thats AGGRESSIVE rather than abusive... sksksksk im so sorry joowon

    TheTenderVigilante November 23, 2020 4:24 pm

    I can agree with the majority of what you’re saying, with the exception being Joowon being abusive. After just finishing re-reading all the chapters again, I can’t seem to understand that interpretation of his character. Immature, selfish, arrogant even yes, but abusive? No. I agree with you about this comment section though. I find it almost unbelievable how people, have been reacting. You read 90+ chapters, over the course of 2 years, just to throw a tantrum and for some, have the gall to trot over to twitter and harass the author! Pathetic

    Water November 23, 2020 4:39 pm

    Well said.... (⌒▽⌒)

    Pring November 23, 2020 4:59 pm
    I can agree with the majority of what you’re saying, with the exception being Joowon being abusive. After just finishing re-reading all the chapters again, I can’t seem to understand that interpretation of... TheTenderVigilante

    i corrected my statement. it should be aggressive, selfish, and shitty communicator bec thats how i've always seen joowon.

    Pring November 23, 2020 5:05 pm
    I can agree with the majority of what you’re saying, with the exception being Joowon being abusive. After just finishing re-reading all the chapters again, I can’t seem to understand that interpretation of... TheTenderVigilante

    i agree with all of this. I for one continued reading the manhwa even though i always felt my ship wasnt going to sail and i was disappointed but also was ready to accept that reality. Its fine to be sad that you didnt get the ending that you want, thats normal. What if find annoying is how bias the statement and commentaries are painting one character as the devil and the other as a someone who needs to be pitied bec he was the right choice and the one who did no wrong, thats messed up to me. bec in no part of the manhwa did the author ever depict a character as perfect, we all read how flawed each one was in how they handled love, falling in love, and relationships. The hate on the author was so uncalled for esp since readers dont have the right to hate on her for her creative freedom. its all just very childish, petty, and annoying.

    TheTenderVigilante November 23, 2020 5:38 pm

    Exactly, we liked who we liked, whether it be bc of their looks, their dynamic w Haesoo or how the author depicts them. I just found it ridiculous how some viewed one character as flawless and innocent, and the other one the antichrist, when in actuality neither of their behavior warranted such a narrow minded level of love or hate (Ha!). You can like who you like, but if you take a step back and view this story objectively, you can clearly see all three had their flaws, behaved like a shitty asshole at one point or another in the story, but were also endearing and lovely. And after it’s all said and done, ship who you ship, Just don’t sit here acting holier than thou, questioning peoples moral compass and picking fights bc they refuse to be swayed by your point of view.

    EilaneDash November 23, 2020 6:55 pm

    I have nothing to add, you said many true things and I wish everyone understood the story the way we did. It's such a beautiful, deep, realistic and well-written manwha. The storyline isn't extraordinary in itself, but I love the characters and both relationships are so interesting.

    I'm still mad and sad that so many people took part in this childish ship war. Even more at those who have the audacity to insult the author. This comment section seemed to have calm down and to be more open to debate though, but I'm sure when chapter 94 will be released in english, it will all start again. Well, I'm just appreciating this thread while I still can :)

    Pring November 24, 2020 1:25 am
    I have nothing to add, you said many true things and I wish everyone understood the story the way we did. It's such a beautiful, deep, realistic and well-written manwha. The storyline isn't extraordinary in its... EilaneDash

    ooof thats what i'm worried about. when ch 94 comes, i'm worried people are gonna flood the comment section with hate again. its just disappointing and frustrating to see how people can be so mean when they dont get what they want. I wish people would be mature enough to accept others opinion (not make others feel guilty for supporting joowon instead of taku) and not hating on the author for choosing joowon over taku. To me, although I've had my doubts on who would end up with Haesoo, it was pretty apparent throughout the manhwa that he still wasnt over Joowon. And we can see that with how, when he lets his guard down, he thinks about Joowon. He really does love him and he has loved him for so many years. A new guy who he is attracted to and he likes won't magically make those feelings of love disappear. Added to that, Joowon and Haesoo never got the closure that they needed bec for one they were never together, for two they never even admitted to their feelings so its a pretty complicated relationship, for three they never wanted to move on from it, we only see this half hearted sort of idea of trying to let go and move on now and it aint even working because Haesoo still keeps on thinking about Joowon and vice versa.

    Anyways, I hope people can just enjoy the manhwa. I've read so many yaoi, yuri, and het manhwa and manga and sometimes my ship didn't sale but that doesn't mean the story was less beautiful. It's also important to sometimes look at things objectively or at least from the characters perspective. When you look at things from the characters perspective, its easier to understand their motives, emotions, and actions. You might not agree with them but you do have an understanding on why they chose to do what they did or pick who they picked.

    Pring November 24, 2020 1:30 am
    Exactly, we liked who we liked, whether it be bc of their looks, their dynamic w Haesoo or how the author depicts them. I just found it ridiculous how some viewed one character as flawless and innocent, and the... TheTenderVigilante

    YES i see some commentaries basically almost calling out joowon supporters for supporting him bec they deme him "toxic". Like, why do you feel the need to make people guilty for supporting him? Joowon shouldn't be defined solely for his flaws esp when they are all flawed and he is trying to change and face responsibilities for his mistakes. Leave the guy alone. You can be sad your ship didnt sale but that aint a free pass to hate and paint another character in a bad light. (/TДT)/

    KangNami November 24, 2020 3:44 am

    Exactly I hate when ppl bring up “well they’re step brothers” They don’t even see each other as brothers and they met way later into life. If they met at 10 THEN it would be weird. Literally cherry blossoms after winter they grew up together. Not as brothers but that’s literally how joowon and haesoo saw each other, as non-related ppl living together.

    Pring November 24, 2020 4:12 am
    Exactly I hate when ppl bring up “well they’re step brothers” They don’t even see each other as brothers and they met way later into life. If they met at 10 THEN it would be weird. Literally cherry blos... KangNami

    and do we see people reading cherry blossoms after winter hating on them bec they were brought up as brothers at a young age? no. bec the step brother narrative is only used in LOH bec they are butt hurt their ship didnt work out. it aint an issue with them being step siblings but an issue with the ship/pairing in general.... i hate the double standards and the fake woke comments... its disgusting to me.

    hannietea November 24, 2020 9:46 am

    You have released all the pent up frustration I’ve had in the right words! I’m just mad that these people just look at the characters in a linear manner. This is how they love and their way of showing affection. Haesoo has a hard time expressing his emotions because in the first place he has already emotional baggage from his mom right before they became step brothers. It was clear from the beginning when they sat down and he began telling his “cliche story” that his endgame would be Joowon. They all have their flaws and that’s what makes this story REAL. The author did a job well done trying to depict the ways a person can love someone no matter how toxic it is. Stop belittling her efforts and hating when you don’t even know how hard it is to also make a story