It's okay, we all make mistakes, even I do, okay I'll tell you what might be some of them/us think the reason why mr. Han sus/should be hated/not be trusted, I'll try to be ass detailed as possible...
For me, I think it started when he started doings bad things to his partner, like putting pillows in the face of his partner that we all know can kill them, and despite that he didn't even think about that instead imagined about Hwi, and then when the partner says like "not rough, pleas stop" or something he does other wise w/c we all know hmthe partner didn't really like it not just foreplay, and lastly after all those things he did, he just said "let's break up" now imagine if he can do it to his other partner means he can do it to Param to, that's why we vote for Hwi who does the exact opposite amd asks for CONSENT that's all hope it answered some of ur questions, tho idk what might other people think maybe they found another fault why mr.han should not be trusted but for me that's all I know...
Thank you but I think to some people that's not the reason why they hate him. Cause I notice before even before that happened, there's already commenting how they hate him. Im actually team mr han at first that's why I remembered a lot of hate comments about him. But after that scene you're talking about, I switch to team hwi .
Why y'all hate mr. Han so much? He didn't even took advantage of param when he had the chance. But yeah, he's kinda sus. But there's nothing to pin him at and hate him that much.