Guys I know y’all like “Oh chowon get help” or “I knew he was gonna play Kyungsoo out” or “He deserves it” but remember he just wanted some love and Dojun just didn’t give him that, Kyungsoo thanks to you now he’s probably dead I also thanks to you for making me lose my bet and faith on you that costs me $20. But besides that, I’m so disappointed that things turn out this way.

I'm just here to say I agree with you on the Chowon thing but can't help but notice that you bought up Hyesung and Heesoo doing "awful" (I use quotation marks because compared to everything happening in this story, some things aren't even on the same scale) things in the past (which they have both apologized for) but never bought up Dojins many wrong doings... and as you said, "...both of them are not suffering from mental illness, they are normal and did all of that." that technically extends to Dojin as well no? I mean, he raped Hyseung multiple times and then put the blame on him, then forced him to have a baby he didn't want to have and tried to trap him with it as well... I don't blame Hyesung for wanting to flee, I'd honestly do the same. I think Dojins the most mentally ill compared to Chowon... to do all that with no problem and not think he was wrong for doing so.
Also, even if nothing ended up happening in the end because it was stopped, that doesn't take away from the fact that Chowon still kidnapped and tried to sexually assault Heesoo (and I don't think he directly apologized for it either). I think those are completely different instances compared to Hyesung and Heesoos "selfishness" so please understand that it may take people longer to warm up to Chowon and forgive him and that some people may still not like him at all once this is over and that's perfectly fine.
I don't mean to start an argument or anything, just a responding statement to your statement. Incase I, in anyway, sounded hostile, I wasn't meaning to be.

I understand and I also agree with you, Dojin and chowons actions are not acceptable. Ive mentioned them before from my previous comments.
All of them(dojin, hyesung, heesoo, dojun, chowon) committed a big mistake but that doesnt mean that they dont deserve happiness. As the story goes, you can see their character development, now its chowon's time to make big changes(I hope he gets better soon) and his turn to receive happiness. ヾ(☆▽☆)
Lets forgive but not forget, I believe everyone deserves a second chance. (●'◡'●)
Whenever someone mentions dojun, divorce and what he did in the past, its like the trigger button to chowon to go back to his old self. You know, he just wants to feel loved and now hes fallen in love again to someone else, that person is abandoning him too. Im crying so much, you guys dont know the feeling of being abandoned and feeling unwanted. All of you hates chowon and saying he is selfish but have you guys forgotten what heesoo did before? For helping hyesung to leave baby byul and dojin? I hated them because of that, both of them are selfish. What if dojin never noticed hyesung was watching him behind the tree? What if hyesung successfully left the country? Can you forgive hyesung and heesoo? Huh? Also, both of them are not suffering from mental illness, they are normal and did all of that. Its their pride and selfishness that made them do it. What about dojun? They got married because their parents arranged it, but you know dojun is already old enough to refuse the arranged marriage and he has his own company. If only he didnt accepted it in the first place, he still continued even though he was in love with heesoo and that made chowon devastated. I know chowon was already suffering from mental illness but it only got worst when he got married to dojun. If only dojun helped him, even if he didnt return his love, if only he helped chowon and show a tiny bit of care but look at what he did, he still kept on thinking heesoo. Chowon still loves him and still chasing after him despite all of that, he just wants dojun's love and attention. Stop telling that we shouldnt blame dojun, he is still part of chowon's suffering. Put yourselves in chowon's position and think of his sufferings. Imagine, you are married to a guy and you made a lot of efforts for them to love you back and still failed, you cant help but ask yourself, what is it that you lack and what is missing and then later, only to found out that he is in love with someone else. ╥﹏╥
Im not telling you all to forget what chowon did but if you guys were able to forgive heesoo, and hyesung for being selfish, for leaving dojin so many times and abandoning baby byul, please forgive chowon too. He already suffered enough and you can tell that he really loves KS. What he said to KS, we all saw that he regretted it and you can tell he wants to change. (His mental health problem is not an excuse to hurt others, its not right) Please give him time and a chance to change himself, its not easy to fight your depression or mental illness. He needs to continue his therapy and also, he needs the love, support and care from the people he loves and also, he should sincerely apologize to all the people that he hurt before.
Yes, chowon is arrogant, selfish and I think thats his way of surviving because he was raised to be perfect. Its not easy, he was raised in a environment where he is surrounded by judgmental people and with his brother who envies him. You people are no different from them. Im grateful and thankful to his manager for never leaving him and taking care of him all these years. I LOVE HIM.
Stop hating on chowon please. He deserves a second chance in love. Lets all wait for him to change completely. (⌒▽⌒)
You all act like you didnt made a big mistake in your entire life. We all have a dark past people.