I love stories like these! Where the characters act like adults, know their actions have c...

Zuzulu November 23, 2020 12:55 pm

I love stories like these!
Where the characters act like adults, know their actions have consequences and think the best possible solution ( even if it is not what they want)
It also tackles real issues like cultural misoginy (Down with the patriarchy!!!)
wich my inner feminist loves (nothing is cooler than a woman confidently knowing she's the smartest in the room, and showing that while remaining cool as a cucumber)
It treats FCs like rational and real adults, not just overly emotional inocent fantasies disconnected from reality

    ag.jjtj November 23, 2020 6:42 pm

    Yeees! I like how Yuri is not afraid to whine to them about it since it’s a natural thing. Also I saw myself in her when she was laying in her bed in pain