Ugh... calm down

roxikoxi November 23, 2020 12:49 pm

Dude, He Tian needs to calm down, I've seen it for while but ignored it that he is so forceful against Mo but it's getting on my nerves more and more. I'd like to say that little Mo has to speak up for himself but he is obviously doing this already He Tian just doesn't listen. I think he has crush on Tian but doesn't fell comfortable with all the skin ship Tian wants. So Dear Tian i like you but calm down and respect the one you love ://

    roxikoxi November 23, 2020 12:56 pm

    On the other hand i love the second ship, they are cute and i want more of them. Tbh i'm a little bit tired of funny chapters, I hope in the near future we'll get something like these chapters when Jian Yi confessed to Zhan Xi.