It's not from Finder. Sensei does a lot of illustrations for BL novels. In these illustrations, the semes in particular often look like Asami. This looks like a scene from Answer by Haruhi Sakiya.

I wasn't really interested in reading it so I don't know if there is english translation - but try to look here http://www.yaoiotaku.com/forums/threads/13618-all-ayano-yamane-novel-collections (most novel are in jap) or Aarinfantasy (for me Aarin is the best source for yaoi).
There is also CD drama for this novel :P

Answer has been partially translated into English. There's a scene where the two main characters end up in the shower, fully clothed. Be warned that the translation frustratingly stops at a critical, heartbreaking moment.
This picture is so cute but I wonder where it comes from... (=・ω・=)