Little Mo’s life is already fucked up & he doesn’t need He Tian sexual harassment ...

Be0502007 November 22, 2020 7:59 pm

Little Mo’s life is already fucked up & he doesn’t need He Tian sexual harassment ( forced skinship) or threatening him to make it worse.

If He Tian want to show his love and affection for Mo, he should be more gentle with him and STOP when little Mo tell him to stop, stop forcing little Mo to do things that are clearly out of his comfort zone and STOP FORCING SKIN-SHIP on the poor dude.

That ain’t hot nor funny anymore, that’s just harassment at this point

Bitch is clearly crossing the line and you He Tian fan NEED TO STOP thinking every He Tian do is hot (because this ain’t hot ) & Start caring more about little Mo’s COMFORT and NOT WHEN THEY’RE GONNA HAVE SEX

    Nane November 22, 2020 8:13 pm

    Thank you for stating the obvious! That is exactly how I feel. At this point it is no fun anymore and " STOP" means stop for the love of God